These are orders which have received objections and have subsequently been sent to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for determination.

Any queries relating to orders currently with the Secretary of State should be directed to The Planning Inspectorate.

The Following Orders are with the Secretary of State for determination

See below

Dorset Council (part of Bridleway 33, Stourton Caundle). Definitive Map and Statement Modification order 2023.

The Order was made by Dorset Council on 28 April 2023 and advertised by Dorset Council on 25 May 2023. One objection was received. The Council is supporting confirmation of the Order.

Copies of the documents relating to this Order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

Documents relating to this Order

Document Reference Description Documents
Not applicable PINS submission letter PINS submission letter
1 Order Document Reference 1
2 Extract from Definitive Map and Statement Document Reference 2
3 Statement of Case Document Reference 3
4 Representations and objections to the Order Document Reference 4
5 Comments on objections Document Reference 5
6 Notices Document Reference 6
7 Notice certification Document Reference 7
8 Consultation certification Document Reference 8
9 Consultation responses and Dorset Council responses Document Reference 9
11 Location map Document Reference 11
12 To be announced To be announced
13 Health and Safety questionnaire Document Reference 13
Appendix 1   Appendix 1
Appendix 2   Appendix 2
Appendix 3 Photos of site Appendix 3
Appendix 4 Delegated powers report Appendix 4


PINS Letter - 13 March 2024

View PINS letter

Dorset County Council (Upgrading of Bridleway 9, Winfrith Newburgh and Part of Bridleway 5, Coombe Keynes (Claypits Lane) to Restricted Byways) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2011

The Order was made by Dorset County Council on 3 June 2011 and advertised by Dorset County Council on 16 June 2011. One objection was received. The Council is supporting confirmation of the Order.

Copies of the documents relating to this order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

Documents relating to this order

Document Reference Description Documents
Not applicable PINS submission letter PINS submission letter

Three copies of the order and associated maps

Document Reference 2

Extract from the definitive map

Document Reference 3

User Evidence Forms

Document Reference 4

Statement of Case on which it is considered the order should be confirmed

Document Reference 5

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6


Representations and objections to the order (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names

Document Reference 6

Statement containing the OMA’s comments on the objections

Document Reference 7

Appendix A

Appendix B


Copy of the notice publicising the order together with a copy of newspaper cutting(s)

Document Reference 8

Certificate that, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices

Document Reference 9

Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (other local authorities and statutory undertakers)

Document Reference 10

Copies of any consultation replies and the responses by the OMA

Document Reference 11

Letter from PINS explaining stance on Claypits Lane procedure Letter from PINS re stance 30 March 2023

Letter from PINS confirming written representation procedure

Notice of Order - Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Dorset Council(Upgrading of Bridleway 9, Winfrith Newburgh & Part of Bridleway 5, Coombe Keynes (Claypits Lane) to Restricted Byways) DMMO 2011

Notice is hereby given that the above referenced Order has been submitted to the 
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for determination. An 
Inspector will be appointed by the Secretary of State to determine the Order.

The start date for the above Order is 28 June 2023.

Consideration of the Order will take the form of exchanges of statements of case and 
comments on statements of case.

The effect of the Order, if confirmed without modifications, will be to modify the definitive map and statement for the area by upgrading:
Bridleway 9, Winfrith Newburgh (to become Restricted Byway 91 Winfrith Newburgh) From its junction with the unclassified road east of the village of Winfrith Newburgh at Claypits Farm at SY 81478480, east along Claypits Lane, an unsurfaced double hedged lane, to SY 81648481 and then east with a grassed surface along the northern side of the field boundary to SY 81748482 and across the open field to SY 82088482. Continue east along an unsurfaced double hedged lane, passing through Newburgh Dairy, to the parish boundary with Coombe Keynes at SY 82758477. The width of the restricted byway varies: SY 81478480 - 4 metres, widening to 4.3 metres at SY 81648481. Between SY 81648481 and SY 81748482 and SY 82088482 - 4 metres. SY 82088482 - 6 metres. Between SY 82088482 and SY 82758477 - 4.6 metres. SY 82758477 - 5 metres.
Part of Bridleway 5, Coombe Keynes (to become Restricted Byway 61 Coombe Keynes) From its junction with the Winfrith Newburgh Parish boundary at SY 82758477, east with a grassed surface, on the southern side of the northern field boundary to the western edge of Coombe Wood at SY 83158485. The width of the restricted byway varies: SY 82758477 - 5 metres, between SY 82758477 and SY 83158485 - 4 metres, SY 83158485 - 3.1 metres.

Any queries relating to this Order should be referred to Helen Sparks at The Planning Inspectorate, Rights of Way Section, Room 3/A Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN. Telephone: 0303 444 5646. Email: Please quote reference number ROW/3289783 on all correspondence.

Any person wishing to view the statements of case and other documents relating to this Order may do so by appointment at County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1XJ or can be viewed on the Council’s website. The relevant officer for this matter if there are any queries is Vanessa Penny, Definitive Map Manager Telephone Number: (01305) 224719.

View the notice of order

Statement of Case

View the objector's statement of case

View the OMA's comments on the statement of case

PINS Interim Order Decision

PINS Interim Order decision

PINS Interim Order decision letter

PINS Modifications Leaflet

PINS Documents - March 2024

PINS Letter - 12 March 2024

View the Order and Order Plan

PINS Notice of Making - 28 March 2024

View Modifications to the Order

PINS Documents - May 2024

PINS Letter - 24 May 2024

Council response to Order - 16 April 2024

British Horse Society representation - 16 April 2024

Objection from H.Walsh - 18 April 2024

Letter from PINS - 24 May 2024


Dorset Council (Footpath 51, Dorchester and Footpath 6, Winterborne Monkton) Public Path Diversion Order 2020

The Order was made by Dorset Council on 25 September 2020 and advertised on 19 November 2020. Two objections were received. The Council is supporting confirmation of the Order.

Copies of the documents relating to this order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

Documents relating to this order

Document Reference Description Documents
Not applicable PINS submission letter PINS submission letter
2 Two copies of the order and associated maps Document Reference 2
3 Statement of Case on which it is considered the order should be confirmed

Document Reference 3

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

4 Representations and objections to the order (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names Document Reference 4
5 Statement containing the OMA’s comments on the objections Document Reference 5
6 Copy of the notice publicising the order together with a copy of newspaper cutting(s). Document Reference 6
7 Certificate that, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices.

Document Reference 7

8 Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (other local authorities and statutory undertakers). Document Reference 8
9 Copies of any replies to the pre-order consultation and the responses by the OMA. Document Reference 9
10 Name and address of every person notified under paragraph 3(2)(b)(i),(ii) and (iv) of Schedule 15 to the 1981 Act Not applicable
11 Location map to enable the Inspector to locate the site Document Reference 11
12 Written permission from the Landowner allowing the Inspector access to the land (where applicable)  Document Reference 12
13 Health and Safety Questionnaire Document Reference 13
14 Secretary of State’s letter of dispensation (WCA – see paragraph 3(4) of Schedule 15) (HA – see paragraph 1(3C) of schedule 6) (TCPA –see paragraph 1(6) of Schedule 14 (if applicable) Document Reference 14
15 Extract from the definitive map and statement Document Reference 15

A copy of the relevant part(s) of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP), or confirmation that there is no relevant provision. (Inspectors must have regard to any material provisions of a ROWIP prepared by the local highway authority but do not require the full version).

Document Reference 16

Letter from PINS

Copy of PINS letter 06 Feb 2024

Copy of Notice of Order

Documents from PINS - April 2024

Letter from PINS to the OMA

List of documents submitted to PINS

Scotia Gas Network location plan

Easement Deed - Land Registry

Statements of Case

Duchy of Cornwall Statement of Case

Gillian Matthews' Statement of Case (objector)

John Hoskin's Statement of Case

The Ramblers' Association Statement of Case

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix A

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix B

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix C

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix D

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix E

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix F

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix G

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix H

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix I

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix J

The Ramblers' Statement of Case - Appendix K

Council comments

Council comments on Statements of Case

PINS Documents

Letter from PINS - 14 May 2024

Interim Order Decision July 2024

Letter from PINS - 08 July 2024

PINS Interim Order Decision

PINS Modification Leaflet

PINS Documents August 2024

PINS letter 07 August 2024

PINS' Notice of Modification to Order

Modified legal Order

Legal Order map

Sealed legal Order

Dorset County Council (Footpath from East Lane (D20502) to D20503 Public Road East of Coombe Cottages, Bradford Abbas) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2017

Reference: RLB/PLA001/00461

The Order was made by Dorset County Council on 14 August 2017 and published on 24 August 2017. The end of the objection period, as per the notice, was 6 October 2017. This was extended to 20 October 2017 by request. 20 objections are outstanding.

The Council is supporting the Order and consider that the Order can be best dealt with through the written representation procedure.  However, if the Inspector decides that an alternative procedure be followed then the Council confirm that it will still support the Order.

Copies of the documents relating to this order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

Document Reference Description Documents
Not applicable PINS Submission Letter PINS Submission Letter
2 Two copies of the order and associated maps Document Reference 2
3 Extract from the definitive map and statement Document Reference 3
4 Statement of case

Document Reference 4

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

5 Representations and objections to the order (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names Document Reference 5
6 Statement containing the Council’s comments on the objections Document Reference 6
7 Copy of the notice publicising the order together with a copy of newspaper cutting(s) Document Reference 7
8 Certificate that, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices Document Reference 8
9 Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (other local authorities and statutory undertakers) Document Reference 9
10 Copies of any consultation replies and the responses by the OMA Document Reference 10
11 Name and address of every person notified under paragraph 3(2)(b)(i), (ii) and (iv) of Schedule 15 to the 1981 Act Not applicable
12 Location map to enable the Inspector to locate the site Document Reference 12
13 Landowners Written Permission Not applicable
14 Health and Safety Questionnaire  Document Reference 14


PINS Documents - June 2024

PINS Letter 04 June 2024 re Public Inquiry

PINS Documents - July 2024

Letter - Notified Parties

Further Documents submitted to PINS

T474 User Evidence redacted

SSE No Objection

PINS documents August 2024 - Notification of Public Inquiry

PINS letter - 06 August 2024

Notice of PINS' consideration of the case

Public Inquiry location and date

Dorset Council (Part of Bridleway 80, Beaminster, at Chantry Farm) Public Path Diversion Order 2023 and Dorset Council (Part of Footpath 79, Beaminster, at Chantry Farm) Public Path Extinguishment Order 2023

Reference:  RLB/PLA001/00979 

The Orders were made by Dorset Council on 29 September 2023 and advertised on 05 October 2023. One objection to each order was received. The Council is supporting confirmation of the Orders.

Copies of the documents relating to these orders, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

Documents relating to these Orders

Document reference

Description Document
Not applicable PINS Submission Letter PINS submission letter
2a Copy of the diversion order and map Document reference 2a
2b Copy of the extinguishment order and map Document reference 2b
3 Extract from the definitive map and statement 1989 Document reference 3
4 Dispensation letter from Secretary of State Document reference 4
5 Statement of Case on which it is considered the Orders should be confirmed Document reference 5
6 Representations and Objections to the Orders (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names Document reference 6
7 Statement containing the OMAs comments on the objections Document reference 7
8 Copy of the notice publicising the Orders Document reference 8
9 Certificate that in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices Document reference 9
10 Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (other local authorities and statutory undertakers) Document reference 10
11a Copies of any consultation replies and the responses by the OMA for the diversion order Document reference 11a
11b Copies of any consultation replies and the responses by the OMA for the extinguishment order Document reference 11b
12 Name and address of every person notified under paragraph 3(2)(b)(i), (ii), and (iv) of Schedule 15 to the 1981 Act Not applicable
13 Location map to enable the Inspector to locate the site Document reference 13
14 Health and Safety questionnaire Document reference 14
15 Landowner Permission letter (to be added)
  Appendix 1 - Order Appendix 1
  Appendix 2 - Photos Appendix 2
  Appendix 3 - Committee Report

Appendix 3














PINS correspondence 20 August 2024

PINS Letter - re. part Footpath 79

PINS Letter - re. part Bridleway 80



Dorset County Council (Footpath at Rampisham) Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2002

Reference:  RLB/PLA001/00862 

The Order was made by Dorset County Council on 10 December 2002 and advertised on 17 January 2003. Two objections were received. The Council is supporting non-confirmation of the Order.

Copies of the documents relating to this order, as submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, are available below:

Documents relating to this Order

Document Reference



Not applicable PINS submission letter PINS Submission letter
2 Copy of the Order and associated map Document Reference 2
3 Extract from the Definitive Map and Statement 1989 Document Reference 3
4 Statement of Case Document Reference 4
5 Representations and objections to the order (including supporters), along with a covering list of their names Document Reference 5
6 Statement containing the Council’s comments on the objections Document Reference 6
7 Copy of the notice publicising the order together with a copy of newspaper cutting(s) Document Reference 7
8 Certificate that, in accordance with the requirements of the Act, notices have been published, served and posted on site and at the local offices Document Reference 8
9 Certificate that the necessary consultations have been carried out (other local authorities and statutory undertakers) Document Reference 9
10 Copies of any consultation replies and the responses by the OMA Document Reference 10
12 Location map to enable the Inspector to locate the site Document Reference 12
13 Landowners Written Permission Not applicable
14 Health and Safety Questionnaire  Document Reference 14
15 Appendix 1 Document Reference: Appendix 1
16 Appendix 2 Document Reference: Appendix 2
17 Appendix 3 Document Reference: Appendix 3
18 Appendix 4 Document Reference: Appendix 4
19 Appendix 5 Document Reference: Appendix 5
20 HMLR 01 Deed
21 HMLR 02 Lease

PINS Documents June 2024

PINS Letter - 27 June 2024