This round has now closed.

Aims of the fund

The Organisational Support Revenue Fund (OSRF) round 4 aims to provide core revenue support to constituted and ‘not for profit’ organisations that are addressing the needs of disadvantaged, under served and marginalized communities within the Dorset Council area and to support the council to meet its core priorities.

All applications are welcome but we will give priority to projects benefitting marginalised people

Applicants need to meet at least one of the Dorset Council's corporate priorities when applying.

Find out more about Dorset communities from the Dorset Insight Page.

Cultural organisations (arts, heritage, museums) cannot apply in this round. If you are a Cultural organisation seeking funding, please contact the Cultural team on

Application process timeline

  1. Grant fund re-opens 9am Monday 6 November 2023
  2. Grant fund closes midnight Monday 8 January 2024
  3. Grant Panel meets January 2024
  4. Award decisions end of February 2024

How much you can apply for

Social, voluntary and community sector organisations (SVCS) can apply for between £5,000 to £10,000 per annum for up to two years. In exceptional circumstances, the council may consider applications more than this.  As we expect demand for funding to be high, we may award applicants less than they had originally applied for.

What we will fund

Grants can be made to support SVCS organisations for up to 2 years. We will fund organisations that fit the following criteria:

  • organisations that support the ongoing needs of vulnerable people in the community to ensure that their health & well-being is maintained
  • applicants must meet at least one of Dorset council’s priorities 2022-24
  • organisations in support of activities that relieve pressure on local statutory services, particularly emergency, health and social care provision, or add value to their response.
  • organisations and local networks that are supporting disadvantaged, under served and marginalised communities within the Dorset Council area
  • organisations supporting community and emergency food projects/initiatives.
  • organisations supporting activity promoting the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda as specified in the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion strategy
  • organisations supporting young people e.g., Youth Clubs 
  • organisations who wish to cover their ‘core revenue costs’ including contribution towards rent, rates, utilities, salary costs, insurance, workforce training and volunteer expenses.
  • applicants that can show security of tenure for a minimum of 5 years
  • applicants must demonstrate a sound and sustainable business model
  • organisations that can demonstrate a track record of delivering successful community led work with clear and lasting impact

This grant will not fund

The following groups, organisations and activities cannot be funded:

  • applications for activities and projects taking place outside of the Dorset council area.
  • applications from Cultural (arts, theatre, heritage, accredited museums) organisations
  • applications from play organisations
  • applications from sports clubs or uniform groups e.g., scouts
  • applications from organisations that remain in receipt of a grant that is unspent from round one or two of the organisational support revenue fund
  • unincorporated groups or emerging groups who have been in existence for less than 12 months
  • applications for capital projects 
  • one-off distinct projects, ongoing equipment costs, SIDS, feasibility studies or research projects
  • proof of concept work
  • loss of income from fundraising activities, trading, charitable donations
  • organisations that are providing commissioned services on behalf of Dorset Council
  • ongoing repairs, routine maintenance, improvements and refurbishments to buildings, community facilities and spaces or village halls
  • retrospective payments for services that have already commenced or been paid for
  • bursary schemes and hardship funds to individuals or groups
  • 1:1 unsupervised activity with children or vulnerable adults
  • IT equipment for personal use (including laptops, phones, or iPads)
  • vehicle costs including hire, servicing, and maintenance.
  • loan repayments or hire purchase interest
  • any activities that actively promote religion or belief systems
  • political activities
  • Nurseries, Pre Schools (including PTA and Friend of) Schools, Colleges, and Universities
  • Hospices, Housing Associations, Hospitals and Residential Care Homes
  • statutory bodies such as City and County Councils or health institutions individuals
  • activities delivered within an educational setting or in curriculum time
  • planning applications and consultancy fees
  • any organisation with an annual income more than £300,000
  • any revenue costs associated with supporting core business in the Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole area.
  • overseas organisations
  • commercial organisations or institutions
  • churches, places of worship and faith organisations
  • new and emerging groups who are less than 12 months old
  • purchase of leases and professional fees such as solicitors or accountancy fees


Organisations who fit the following criteria are invited to apply:

  • registered charities including Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIO’s)
  • constituted community groups (must have been formed for at least 12 months)
  • community benefit societies
  • social enterprises (companies limited by guarantee with a not-for-profit clause)
  • Community Interest Company's CIC’s (must be limited by guarantee and have community benefit objectives)
  • CIC’s will also need to provide an ‘Asset Lock’ Statement & copy of their Memorandum or Articles of Association
  • town and parish councils if supporting/working with a lead voluntary and community sector organisation

Governance requirements for applicants

All organisations applying for funding must have:

  • a management committee, trustees, or board of directors with at least 3 unrelated members
  • a written constitution, governing document or set of rules that sets out the purpose and management of the organisation.
  • a bank account in the name of the organisation with at least two unrelated cheque signatories
  • Public Liability Insurance (minimum £10 million indemnity)
  • Employers Liability Insurance (minimum £10 million indemnity)
  • 2 years of approved accounts (latest must be in last 12 months)
  • recent bank statements covering the last 3 months (with the organisation's name, account number and sort code clearly displayed)
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy
  • Business Plan – fully costed up to 2027.
  • General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Policy or statement
  • Environmental Policy or statement
  • Volunteer Policy (if appropriate)
  • Copy of organisations lease or freehold

How to apply

The fund opens at midday on Wednesday 8 November 2023 and closes at midnight on Monday 8 January 2024. Before you start your application see our guidance to help you:

Only online applications will be accepted. Late applications will not be accepted.

Speak to someone about your application

If you'd like to speak to us about your project, email us at: . If you need support with developing your policies, business plan or governance please contact ‘CAN’ (Community Action Network) via or telephone 01202 466130.

Help applying online

If you need further help to complete the online application form, call the Dorset Digital Hotline on 01305 221048.

They are available between 10am and 12pm weekdays (except bank holidays). At other times, please leave a message and they will get back to you.

Decision making process

We will shortlist, review, and make recommendations for funding via our Grant Panel. The assessment dates and final award decision dates are publicised here. Where demand for grants is high, we reserve the right to change these dates.

During the process:

  • there will be one single round with grants awarded annually April each year
  • Dorset Council’s Grant Panel will comprise of at least three Specialist Dorset Council Officers (one acts as the panel Chair), the portfolio holder for communities and at least one sector representative who brings with them their expertise and knowledge of Dorset’s Social Voluntary and Community sector
  • applications will be screened by each member of the grants panel to ensure fairness.
  • where a conflict of interest occurs the relevant Officer/representative will not take part in the assessment. Any conflict of interest will be recorded
  • an assessment summary of all eligible and shortlisted applications, with Officer recommendations are put forward by the Council’s Grants Officer/Manager, to be considered by the grant panel. The recommendation by the Grants Officer/Manager is for guidance only
  • councillors will be able to read, comment and offer feedback on specific projects in their ward through a ‘councillor feedback ‘form linked to the online application form
  • the Panel will assess each application against the fund criteria and use a scoring matrix to agree and prioritise awards. Decisions are made by a majority vote. Where there is no majority the council’s Portfolio holder for Communities will have the deciding vote. The panel decision is final
  • if an applicant withdraws their application after the panel decision has been made, the Chair, in consultation with the other panel members, can agree to award the grant to another applicant
  • any decision to amend the award if the project or organisation has changed, or new information comes to light that affects the application will be considered by the Grants Officer/Manager and Panel Chair, in consultation with other panel members as appropriate
  • applicants may be asked for additional information to help the grants panel form a decision
  • applicants can only submit a single application in this round
  • applicant can apply for either one or two years of revenue funding
  • Year One funding should start April 2024

Unsuccessful applications

If your application is unsuccessful, we will not contact you to discuss it. However, if you do require feedback, please contact us.  Decisions made by our grants panel are final. There is no appeals process.

Terms and conditions

Please be aware of the following terms and conditions:

  • funds will be awarded annually up front for the term of your grant unless otherwise informed
  • if any changes are made to the project or how you deliver your services you must consult with Dorset Council, failure to do so may result in part or all the grant awarded having to be returned
  • for projects being delivered by a consortia or partnership, it is the lead partner who is responsible for overseeing delivery and monitoring of the project
  • applicants will be required to submit an end of project report or survey and provide any evaluation/feedback requested prior to invoicing for their final payment
  • applicants will be asked to sign a standard grant agreement with full details of their grants award including terms and conditions
  • applications must be submitted on the council’s online form. Hard copies will not be accepted
  • applicants will need to demonstrate and evidence that their project/service is needed and that the intended beneficiaries of their service offer have been involved and consulted with
  • decisions made by Dorset Council’s Grants Panel are final. There is no appeals process
  • Dorset Council will not accept/consider any applications received after the closing date
  • Dorset council will not consider applications where the majority of supporting documents are not provided on the closing date
  • we reserve the right to make changes to the guidance and/or programme after its launch. We will communicate any changes as quickly as we can

Data Sharing / Privacy

Dorset Council will share basic data information regarding your application with other local grant managers/funding streams. This will enable us to make informed funding decisions, avoid duplication of funding and ensure value for money is achieved through our grant making processes. Dorset Council will also ensure that applicants data is stored appropriately. See details of our Data Privacy and GDPR policy.


If you wish to discuss your application before you apply, then please contact a member of our team on . Alternatively, contact any of the following officers:

Grants Officer

Name: Ian Wells
Tel: 01305 224307
Full contact details

Community engagement project officer

Name: Millie Titman and Fiona Thomas
Tel: 01305 221669
Full contact details

Business Partner, Communities & Partnerships

Name: Laura Cornette
Tel: 01305 224306
Full contact details