North Dorset Parliamentary Constituency Area 2024

Last updated 1 August 2024


Situated towards the North of Dorset 

The constituency contains the main towns of: 

  • Gillingham
  • Sturminster Newton
  • Blandford
  • Stalbridge 

Within this Parliamentary Constituency Area there are:

  • 7 libraries:
    • 5 owned and run by Dorset Council
    • 2 run by the Community

There are also 45 Schools of which:

  • 36 Primary
  • 3 Middle schools 
  • 4 Secondary schools
  • 1 Special Schools
  • 1 Learning Centre

There is also a prison situated in this constituency area


total = 94260

Male = 49% 

Female = 51%


Population - Age

Table. Population - Age breakdown, 2022 Mid Year Population Estimates, ONS
Age Bracket  North Dorset  South West England and Wales
All 94260 5764880  60238040 
% Aged 0 to 15 16 17 18
% Aged 16 to 64 56 61 63
% Aged 65 to 84 24 19 16
% Aged 85+ 4 3 3
  • The area has a much smaller proportion of working age population than the regional and national average with 56% aged 16-64 compared to 61% across the South West
  • The proportion of the population aged 65+ is much larger at 28% compared to a regional average of 22% and national average of 19%



Population - Ethnicity/Country of Birth and Proficiency in English

Table. Ethnicity. Census 2021
Ethnicity  North Dorset  South West England and Wales
% White British 94.1  85.5 74.4
% Ethnic Minority 5.9  14.5 25.6
Table. Country of birth. Census 2021 
Country of birth  North Dorset   South West England and Wales
% UK 93.2 89.8 83.2
% EU 3.4 4.6 6.1
% elsewhere  3.4 5.5 10.7
Table. Proficiency in English. Census 2021 Mid Dorset & North Poole South West England and Wales % White British
Proficiency in English North Dorset  West England and Wales
% Main language spoken not English  2.1 4.6 8.9
% Cannot Speak English well or very well 0.4 0.7 1.8

Population. Households

Table. Number of Households and deprivation
not applicable  North Dorset  Number of HH within the top 20% most deprived nationally
Number of Dwellings 44971
Table. Households, Wealth and income
Household Characteristics North Dorset  South West UK
Affluent % 43.7  27.9 25.1
Comfortably Of % 44.1 43.8 35.9
Low Income % 12 28.3 39.0



Population - Health and Care

Table. Health and Care. Census 2021
Health or Disability  North Dorset  Dorset England and Wales
% Disability (under the equalities act) 18.4 19.8 17.5
% Health Very Good/Good 82.3 80.7 82.0
% Health Very Bad/Bad 4.6 5.1 5.2
% Provides unpaid care 9.2 9.7 8.9
  • overall the health of those living in North Dorset Parliamentary Constituency Area is very similar to England & Wales and slightly better than Dorset
  • just under a fifth of the population in the North Dorset Parliamentary Constituency Area have a long term illness/disability, higher than the national averages, and a similar proportion provide unpaid care as nationally but a little lower than Dorset as a whole



Population. Deprivation

Table. Deprivation
Not applicable  Multiple Deprivation Income Deprivation Employment Deprivation Health Deprivation Education Deprivation Crime Deprivation Barriers to Housing and Services Deprivation Living Environment Deprivation
% Population living in areas within the top 20% nationally 0 0 0 0 4.7 0 51.4 21.6


Further information

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