You need a licence to place traffic counting and surveying equipment on the highway.
We may remove any unauthorised equipment immediately. We will return it to you once you pay for a licence.
Apply for a licence
You must apply at least 2 weeks before the equipment is due to be placed on the highway. If you need to attach any of the equipment to street lighting furniture you must obtain consent from our street lighting service first.
Attaching apparatus to street lighting furniture
This licence alone does not give consent to attaching traffic counting and surveying equipment to street lighting furniture.
If you need to attach any equipment of this nature to street lighting, you must first obtain consent from our street lighting service, providing:
- location of the survey and street name
- column numbers
- exact size and weight of all the equipment
- any method statements or supporting documents
Once you have received consent to attach equipment to street lighting furniture, you can apply for a traffic survey licence including a copy of the written approval received.
Cost and payment
It costs £105 per Unique Street Reference Number (USRN) where equipment is to be placed.
You will be advised of the total charge applicable once we have assessed and approved an application. At this stage you'll be advised how to arrange payment.
Conditions of consent
- a licence is valid for a maximum of 14 days
- a £5m minimum public liability insurance is required along with street works accreditation
- a method statement should accompany the application
- the licensee shall ensure that the equipment is installed and inspected by a competent and responsible person
- the applicant shall not allow the equipment to be placed any longer than is necessary
- equipment must not be left in such a location that causes undue obstruction of the highway
- equipment must be removed promptly upon completion of the survey (with 24 hours of the licence expiring) or whenever required by Dorset Council
- faulty or dangerous equipment must be removed immediately upon request or will be removed by Dorset Council
- this consent cannot be taken as authorising the creation of a nuisance or a danger to users of the highway
- equipment should clearly display a 24/7 contact name and telephone number, for public use
- the highway shall be left in a clean and tidy condition on removal of the equipment. Any damage shall be reported to Dorset Council and repaired in accordance with agreed details
- equipment must not be attached to street lighting columns without approval from Dorset Council and it's contractor - written approval from our street lighting service must be included with an application
Transportation modelling and surveys
Our in-house survey team can provide quotations for all types of surveys:
- automatic
- manual
- video
- interview
Find out more information about transportation modelling and surveys.