The Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2031 was 'made' (adopted) by North Dorset District Council on 8 March 2019.
Following a majority 'yes' vote in the referendum, the decision was taken to make the Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2031 part of the development plan for the Sturminster Newton neighbourhood area.
The decision statement and the 'made' Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2031 are available online and can be inspected 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Friday at:
Dorset Council
County Hall
Colliton Park
The referendum relating to the Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2031 took place on 21 February 2019. The result of the referendum was that a majority (89%) voted for the District Council to use the neighbourhood plan to help decide planning applications in the Parish of Sturminster Newton.
Please see below for documents relevant to the referendum.
- Summary of Representations
- Examiner's Report
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan 2016 - 2031 (as modified as a result of the examination)
- Decision Statement, which includes a statement by the local planning authority that the plan as proposed meet the basic conditions
- Information Statement, which includes general information as to town and country planning including neighbourhood planning and the referendum
Examiner's Report
Mr Terry Kemmann-Lane JP DipTP FRTPI MCMI issued his report on the submitted Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan on 26 November 2018. He concludes that provided the recommended modifications are made, the plan would meet the basic conditions. He therefore recommends that the plan, as modified, should proceed to referendum.
Examiner's further query
Responses have been provided to a further question (EQ18), issued by the examiner, on the Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan. The further question and the responses from the parties to which it was issued, together with the additional documents supplied to the examiner for his reference are below:-
- Examiner's further question
- Responses
Respondent | Additional Documents |
NDDC and STNC response to EQ18 | |
Southern Planning Practice (on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd) response to EQ18 | Extract from North Dorset Local Plan Part 1 - para. A2 Shillingstone Neighbourhood Plan 2016 - 2031 |
Examiner's queries
Following submission of the Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan for examination, the examiner identified a number of matters that he requested the North Dorset District Council (NDDC) and the Sturminster Newton Town Council (SNTC) clarify. The examiner’s queries and the two councils’ responses are below:
These documents were sent to those who made representations on the plan during the April/May consultation, a period of ten working days (until Monday 10 September) being given for comments to be submitted on the examiner’s queries and the councils’ responses.
The comments received to the examiner’s queries and councils’ responses are below:
- SN02 – Gladman Development Ltd
- SN03 – Southern Planning Practice on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd
- SN04 – Highways England
- SN08 – Mr D Wingate
- SN09 – Wyatt Homes
- SN10 – Historic England
Submission for examination
With the agreement of Sturminster Newton Town Council, Mr Terry Kemmann-Lane JP DipTP FRTPI MCMI has been appointed to examine the Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan. In accordance with Regulation 17 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 the submitted plan and all relevant documentation have been made available to the examiner.
At the examination, the independent examiner will provide a review of the plan and make recommendations in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act and related regulations. In particular, the examiner has to consider whether the plan meets certain basic conditions, satisfies legal requirements, and identifies an appropriate area for a referendum.
The basic conditions, which are set out in the legislation, are intended to ensure that neighbourhood plans are compatible with their wider context. The plan must:
have regard to national planning policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State;
contribute to achieving sustainable development;
be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan for the area ( The North Dorset Local Plan); and,
be compatible with EU obligations and human rights requirements.
If the neighbourhood plan is approved following examination, and subsequently supported by a local referendum, it will become part of the development plan for North Dorset District and its policies will be used to make decisions on relevant planning applications in Sturminster Newton alongside other appropriate policies within the remainder of the development plan.
Consultation on the submitted plan
As the local planning authority, North Dorset District Council was required to consult on the plan proposals before the examination takes place. People were given from Friday 6 April to Friday 25 May 2018 to make representations on the plan with regard to the content and how it has been prepared.
Representations received to the submission draft Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan
Respondent | Document Reference |
Dorset County Council | SN01-1 |
Dorset County Council | SN01-2 |
Dorset County Council | SN01-3 |
Gladman Development Ltd | SN02-1 |
Gladman Development Ltd | SN02-2 |
Southern Planning Practice on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd | SN03-1 |
Southern Planning Practice on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd | SN03-1A |
Southern Planning Practice on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd | SN03-1B |
Southern Planning Practice on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd | SN03-2 |
Southern Planning Practice on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd | SN03-3 |
Southern Planning Practice on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd | SN03-4 |
Southern Planning Practice on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd | SN03-5 |
Southern Planning Practice on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd | SN03-6 |
Southern Planning Practice on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd | SN03-7 |
Southern Planning Practice on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd | SN03-8 |
Southern Planning Practice on behalf of Hall and Woodhouse Ltd | SN03-9 |
Highways England | SN04-1 |
North Dorset District Council - Assets and Infrastructure | SN05-1 |
North Dorset District Council - Planning | SN06-1 |
Streeter Carpets | SN07-1 |
Mr D Wingate | SN08-1 |
Wyatt Homes | SN09-1 |
Wyatt Homes | SN09-2 |
Wyatt Homes | SN09-3 |
Wyatt Homes | SN09-4 |
Historic England | SN10-1 |
North Dorset District Council received a late submission from Historic England which the examiner has accepted and can be found in the table above.
Submission documents
Please find below links to the submission documents, including the submission version of the neighbourhood plan, and supporting documents and evidence. The supporting documents and evidence available below are considered to be core documents relating to the production of the plan. In addition to these core documents are a large number of additional documents relating to the production of the plan. These are listed in the index that has been produced to assist in relation to the consultation and examination in respect of the submission version of the plan. If you would like to view any of the additional documents listed then please contact North Dorset District Council's Planning Policy Team.
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2031 (Submission Draft - September, 2017)
- Map of Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Area (February, 2014)
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement (October, 2017)
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement (February, 2018)
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping Report (July, 2015)
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Pre-submission Stage Environmental Report (October, 2016)
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Pre-submission Stage Environmental Report - Non-technical Summary (October, 2016)
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulation Assessment Determination Statement (May,2017)
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Submission Stage Addendum (May, 2017)
Supporting Documents and Evidence
Pre-submission Plan
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan 2016-2031 Pre-submission Draft (November, 2016)
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan - Changes to Policy Numbers from the Pre-submission Consultation Version
General Document
Design, Landscape and Environment
- Sturminster Newton Local Character Submission Report (January, 2017)
- Sturminster Newton Town Design Statement Supplementary Planning Document (July, 2008)
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan Character Appraisal (October, 2015)
- Sturminster Newton Settlement Boundary Report (January, 2017)
- Sturminster Newton Housing Supply Report - submission version (January, 2017)
- Sturminster Newton Housing Needs Background Paper (January, 2017)
- North Dorset District Council Annual Monitoring Report 2016
- 2011 Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update - North Dorset Summary Report (January, 2012)
- Eastern Dorset 2015 Strategic Housing Market Assessment - North Dorset District Summary (August, 2015 )
- Sturminster Newton Neighbourhood Plan Ecological Assessment of Sites Report (September, 2016) with Credentials
- Elm Close, Sturminster Newton - Odour Assessment (January, 2015)
- Elm Close Farm, Bull Ground Lane, Sturminster Newton - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (December, 2014)
- Land to the South of Elm Close, Sturminster Newton - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (December, 2014)
Community Assets
- Sturminster Newton Community Assets Review (January, 2017)
- North Dorset District Council Infrastructure Delivery Plan (November, 2014)
Movement around the Parish
Business Growth and Encouraging more Visitors
- North Dorset Business Park Design and Development Brief (April, 2012)
- National Farmers Union Meeting Notes (October, 2015)
Town Centre
- Sturminster Newton Town Centre Health Check (January, 2017)
- North Dorset Guide to Shopfront Design (2014)
- Joint Retail Assessment - Volume 2 - North Dorset (March, 2008)
Planning Policy - North Dorset area
Email: 01258 484201
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