14. General Requirements
14.1 Premises licences are subject to the permissions/restrictions set-out in the Gambling Act 2005 and regulations, as well as specific mandatory and default conditions which are detailed in regulations issued by the Secretary of State. Licensing authorities are able to exclude default conditions and also attach other conditions, where it is believed to be necessary and proportionate.
14.2 The council will issue premises licences to allow those premises to be used for certain types of gambling. For example premises licences will be issued to amusement arcades, bingo halls, bookmakers and casinos.
14.3 Applicants should also be aware that the Gambling Commission has issued Codes of Practice for each operational area for which they must have regard. The council will also have regard to these Codes of Practice.
Definition of “premises”
14.4 Premises is defined in the Act as “any place”. Different premises licences cannot apply in respect of a single premises at different times.
However, it is possible for a single building to be subject to more than one premises licence, provided they are for different parts of the building and the different parts of the building can be reasonably regarded as being different premises.
Whether different parts of a building can properly be regarded as being separate premises will always be a question of fact in the circumstances.
14.5 The council will take particular care in considering applications for multiple licences for a building and those relating to a discrete part of a building used for other (non-gambling) purposes.
In particular the council will assess entrances and exits from parts of a building covered by one or more licences to satisfy itself that they are separate and identifiable, so that the separation of different premises is not compromised and that people do not ‘drift’ into a gambling area.
14.6 The council will pay particular attention to applications where access to the licensed premises is through other premises (which themselves may be licensed or unlicensed). Issues that the council will consider before granting such applications include whether children can gain access, compatibility of the two establishments; and the ability to comply with the requirements of the Act.
In addition, an overriding consideration will be whether, taken as a whole, the co-location of the licensed premises with other facilities has the effect of creating an arrangement that otherwise would, or should, be prohibited under the Act.
14.7 An applicant cannot obtain a full premises licence until they have the right to occupy the premises to which the application relates.
14.8 The council is aware that demand issues (e.g. the likely demand or need for gambling facilities in an area) cannot be considered with regard to the location of premises but that considerations, in terms of the licensing objectives, can.
The council will pay particular attention to the protection of children and vulnerable people from being harmed or exploited by gambling, as well as issues of crime and disorder.
14.9 With regards to these objectives, it is the council’s policy, upon receipt of any relevant representations, to look at specific location issues including:
- the possible impact a gambling premises may have on any premises that provide services to children or young people, for example a school, or vulnerable adult centres in the area
- the possible impact a gambling premises may have on residential areas where there may be a high concentration of families with children
- the size of the premises and the nature of the activities taking place
- levels of organised crime in the area
14.10 In order for a specific location to be considered as inappropriate for a premises licence to be issued, the council will need to be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence that the granting of a premises licence at the proposed location would be detrimental to the licensing objectives.
14.11 Although the council cannot consider if there is a need or demand for the gambling facilities applied for, applicants should consider the proximity of other gambling premises in the Local Risk Assessment and the cumulative impact this will have on residents, including children and other vulnerable groups.
Local Risk Assessments
14.12 From 6 April 2016, it is a requirement of the Gambling Commission’s Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP), under section 10, for licensees (except for those which hold betting licences for tracks) to assess the local risks to the licensing objectives posed by the provision of gambling facilities at their premises and have policies, procedures and control measures to mitigate those risks.
In making risk assessments, licensees must take into account relevant matters identified in this policy.
14.13 The LCCP goes on to say licensees must review (and update as necessary) their local risk assessments:
- to take account of significant changes in local circumstance, including those identified in this policy
- when there are significant changes at a licensee’s premises that may affect their mitigation of local risks
- when applying for a variation of a premises licence
- in any case, undertake a local risk assessment when applying for a new premises licence
14.14 The council will expect the local risk assessment to consider the urban setting:
- the proximity of the premises to schools
- the commercial environment
- factors affecting the footfall
- whether the premises is in an area of deprivation
- whether the premises is in an area subject to high levels of crime and/or disorder
- the ethnic profile of residents in the area
- the demographics of the area in relation to vulnerable groups
- the location of services for children such as schools, playgrounds, toy shops, leisure centres and other areas where children will gather
- the range of facilities in the local area such as other gambling outlets, banks, post offices, refreshment and entertainment type facilities
- known problems in the area such as problems arising from street drinkers, youths participating in anti-social behaviour, drug dealing activity, etc.
- the proximity of churches, mosques, temples or any other place of worship
14.15 The local risk assessment should show how vulnerable people, including people with gambling dependencies, are protected:
- the training of staff in intervention when customers show signs of excessive gambling, the ability of staff to offer intervention and how the manning of premises affects this
- information held by the licensee regarding self-exclusion schemes and incidences of underage gambling
- arrangements in place for local exchange of anonymised information regarding self- exclusion and gambling trends
- gambling trends that may mirror financial payments such as pay days, pay day loans or benefit payments
- arrangements for monitoring and dealing with underage people and vulnerable people, which may include:
- dedicated and trained personnel
- leaflets and posters
- self-exclusion schemes
- window displays and advertisements designed to not entice children and vulnerable people
- the provision of signage and documents relating to game rules, gambling care providers and other relevant information be provided in both English and the other prominent first language for that locality
- the proximity of premises that may be frequented by vulnerable people such as hospitals, residential care homes, medical facilities, doctor surgeries, council community hubs, addiction clinics or help centres, places where alcohol or drug dependent people may congregate
14.16 The local risk assessment should show how children are to be protected:
- the proximity of institutions, places or areas where children and young people frequent such as schools, youth clubs, parks, playgrounds and entertainment venues such as bowling allies, cinemas, etc
- the proximity of place where children congregate such as bus stops, cafes, shops
- areas that are prone to issues of youths participating in anti-social behaviour, including activities such as graffiti, tagging, underage drinking etc
14.17 Other matters that the assessment may include:
- details as to the location and coverage of working CCTV cameras, and how the system will be monitored
- the layout of the premises so that staff have an unobstructed view of people using the premises and in particular the gaming machines and fixed odds betting terminals
- the number of staff that will be available on the premises at any one time. If at any time that number is one, confirm the supervisory and monitoring arrangements when that person is absent from the licensed area or distracted from supervising the premises and observing those people using the premises
- where the application is for a betting premises licence, other than in respect of a track, the location and extent of any part of the premises which will be used to provide facilities for gambling in reliance on the licence
- provisions to ensure the health and welfare of staff engaged in lone working
14.18 Such information may be used to inform the decision the council makes about whether to grant the licence, to grant the licence with special conditions or to refuse the application.
14.19 This policy does not preclude any application being made and each application will be decided on its own merits, with the onus being upon the applicant to show how the concerns can be mitigated.
Local Area Profile
14.20 Each locality has its own character and challenges. In order to assist applicants, where there is an issue in a local area which impacts on how the applicant should complete their risk assessment, the council may publish a local area profile.
This profile, compiled in conjunction with key partners and approved by the Licensing Committee, can be obtained from the Licensing Team.
14.21 The local area profiles should be given careful consideration when making an application.
Applicants may be asked to attend a meeting with licensing officers to discuss the profiles, appropriate measures to mitigate risk in the area and how they might be relevant to their application.
The local area profiles will be presented to any subsequent licensing sub-committee when they determine an application that has received representations.
14.22 The council recognises that it cannot insist on applicants using the local area profiles when completing their risk assessments. However an applicant who decides to disregard the profiles may face additional representations and the expense of a hearing as a result.
Duplication with other regulatory regimes
14.23 The council will seek to avoid any duplication with other statutory/regulatory systems where possible, including planning. The council will not consider whether a premises is likely to be awarded planning permission or building regulation approval, in its deliberations.
It will though, listen to, and consider carefully, any concerns about proposed conditions which are not able to be met by the applicant due to planning restrictions, should such a situation arise.
14.24 The council is aware that the Secretary of State has set mandatory conditions and default conditions and the Gambling Commission has set Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice which are necessary for the general good conduct of gambling premises, therefore it is unlikely that the council will need to impose individual conditions imposing a more restricted regime in relation to matters that have already been dealt with.
14.25 Where there are specific risks or problems associated with a particular locality, or specific premises, or class of premises, the council will attach specific conditions to address this.
14.26 Any conditions attached to a licence issued by the council will be proportionate and will be:
- relevant to the need to make the proposed building suitable as a gambling facility
- directly related to the premises and the type of licence applied for, and/or related to the area where the premises is based
- fairly and reasonably related to the scale, type and location of premises
- consistent with the licensing objectives
- reasonable in all other respects
14.27 Decisions about individual conditions will be made on a case by case basis, although there will be a number of control measures the council will consider using, such as supervision of entrances, supervision of adult gaming machines, appropriate signage for adult only areas etc.
There are specific comments made in this regard under each of the licence types in this policy.
The council will also expect the applicant to offer his/her own suggestions as to the way in which the licensing objectives can be met effectively.
14.28 Where certain measures are not already addressed by the mandatory/default conditions or by the applicant, the council may consider licence conditions to cover issues such as:
- proof of age schemes
- supervision of entrances
- supervision of machine areas
- a reduction in the number of betting machines (betting premises)
- the manning of premises
- physical separation of areas
- location of entrance points
- notices/signage
- specific opening hours
- a requirement that children must be accompanied by an adult (in premises where children are allowed)
- enhanced DBS checks of the applicant and/or staff
- staff training in brief intervention, conflict resolution, basic knowledge of mental health, learning disabilities and addiction, including substance misuse
- support to people with gambling addiction, including brief intervention
- policies to address seasonal periods where children may more frequently attempt to gain access to premises and gamble such as pre and post school hours, half term and school holidays
- policies to address the problems associated with truant children who may attempt to gain access to premises and gamble
- obscuring windows where appropriate and labelling premises so it’s clear that they are gambling premises
14.29 The list provided above is not mandatory or exhaustive and is merely indicative of examples of certain measures which may satisfy the requirements of the licensing authority and the responsible authorities, depending on the nature and location of the premises and the gambling facilities to be provided.
14.30 There are conditions which the council cannot attach to premises licences which are:
- any condition on the premises licence which makes it impossible for the applicant to comply with an operating licence condition
- conditions relating to gaming machine categories, numbers, or method of operation
- conditions which provide that membership of a club or body be required (the Gambling Act 2005 specifically removes the membership requirement for casino and bingo clubs and this provision prevents it being reinstated)
- conditions in relation to stakes, fees, winnings or prizes
Door supervision
14.31 The council will consider whether there is a need for door supervision in terms of the licensing objectives of protection of children and vulnerable people from being harmed or exploited by gambling, and also in terms of preventing premises becoming a source of crime.
It is noted though that the Gambling Act 2005 has amended the Private Security Industry Act 2001 and that door supervisors at casinos or bingo premises are not required to be licensed by the Security Industry Authority.
Where door supervisors are provided at these premises the operator should ensure that any people employed in this capacity are fit and proper to carry out such duties.
Possible ways to achieve this could be to carry out a criminal records (DBS) check on potential staff and for such personnel to have attended industry recognised training.
15. Adult gaming centres
15.1 Adult gaming centres are a category of premises introduced by the Act that are most closely related to adult only amusement arcades.
15.2 Under the Act a premises holding an adult gaming centre licence will be able to make category B, C and D gaming machines available and no one under 18 will be permitted to enter such premises.
15.3 The council will specifically have regard to the need to protect children and vulnerable people from harm or being exploited by gambling in these premises.
The council will expect applicants to satisfy the authority that there will be sufficient measures to ensure that under 18 year olds do not have access to the premises.
15.4 Where certain measures are not already addressed by the mandatory and default conditions and the Gambling Commission Codes of Practice or by the applicant, the council may consider licence conditions to address such issues.
16. Licensed family entertainment centres (FECs)
16.1 Licensed family entertainment centres are those premises which usually provide a range of amusements such as computer games, penny pushers and may have a separate section set aside for adult only gaming machines with higher stakes and prizes.
Licensed family entertainment centres will be able to make available unlimited category C and D machines where there is clear segregation in place so children do not access the areas where the category C machines are located (see Appendix 1).
16.2 Where category C or above machines are available in premises to which children are admitted then the council will ensure that:
- all such machines are located in an area of the premises separate from the remainder of the premises by a physical barrier which is effective to prevent access other than through a designated entrance. For this purpose a rope, floor markings or similar provision will not suffice and the council may insist on a permanent barrier of at least 1 meter high
- only adults are admitted to the area where the machines (category C) are located
- access to the area where the machines are located is supervised at all times
- the area where the machines are located is arranged so that it can be observed by staff
- at the entrance to, and inside any such area there are prominently displayed notices indicating that access to the area is prohibited to people under 18
16.3 The council will specifically have regard to the need to protect children and vulnerable people from harm or being exploited by gambling in these premises.
The council will expect applicants to satisfy the authority that there will be sufficient measures to ensure that under 18 year olds do not have access to the adult only gaming machine areas.
16.4 The council will expect the applicant to show that there are policies and procedures in place to protect children from harm. Harm in this context is not limited to harm from gambling but includes wider child protection considerations.
16.5 The efficiency of such policies and procedures will each be considered on their merits, however, they may include:
- appropriate measures and training for staff as regards suspected truant children on the premises
- measures and training covering how staff would deal with unsupervised very young children being on the premises
- measures and training covering how staff would deal with children causing perceived problems on or around the premises
- the arrangements for the supervision of the premises either by staff or the use of a suitable CCTV system. Advice regarding the suitability of a CCTV system can be obtained from Dorset Police
16.6 Due to the nature of these premises, which are attractive to children, applicants who employ staff to supervise the premises should consult with the Disclosure and Barring Service to determine if their staff need to undertake a DBS check
16.7 The council will refer to the Commission’s website to familiarise itself with any conditions that apply to operating licences covering the way in which the area containing the category C machines should be delineated. The council will also make itself aware of the mandatory or default conditions and any Gambling Commission Codes of Practice on these premises licences.
17. Casinos
17.1 The Gambling Act states that a casino is an arrangement whereby people are given the opportunity to participate in one or more casino games whereby casino games are defined as a game of chance which is not equal chance gaming.
This means that casino games offer the chance for multiple participants to take part in a game competing against the house or bank at different odds to their fellow players. Casinos can also provide equal chance gaming and gaming machines. Large and small casinos can also provide betting machines.
17.2 The Dorset Council area does not have any casinos which were licensed under the Gaming Act 1968, which have been subsequently converted into Gambling Act 2005 Converted Casino Premises Licences.
Licence considerations / conditions
17.3 The Gambling Commission has provided Guidance for Licensing Authorities and Licence Conditions and Code of Practice which are applied to Operator’s Licences. The council will take this into consideration when determining licence applications for converted casino licences.
17.4 The council will specifically have regard to the need to protect children and vulnerable people from harm or being exploited by gambling in these premises. The council will expect applicants to satisfy the authority that there will be sufficient measures to ensure that under 18 year olds do not have access to the premises.
17.5 Where certain measures are not already addressed by the mandatory/default conditions, Gambling Commission Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice or by the applicant, the council may consider licence conditions to cover certain issues.
17.6 Detailed information on the Large Casino Application Process can be found in Appendix 4.
18. Bingo premises
18.1 There is no official definition for bingo in the Gambling Act 2005 however there is a category of premises licence specifically for bingo premises, which is used by traditional commercial bingo halls for both cash and prize bingo.
In addition this premises licence will authorise the provision of a limited number of gaming machines in line with the provisions of the Act (see Appendix 1).
18.2 The council is aware that it is important that if children are allowed to enter premises licensed for bingo that they do not participate in gambling, other than on category D machines. Where category C or above machines are available in premises to which children are admitted then the council will expect that:
- all such machines are located in an area of the premises separate from the remainder of the premises by a physical barrier which is effective to prevent access other than through a designated entrance. For this purpose a rope, floor markings or similar provision will not suffice and the council may insist on a permanent barrier of at least one meter high
- only adults are admitted to the area where the machines are located
- access to the area where the machines are located is supervised at all times
- the area where the machines are located is arranged so that it can be observed by staff
- at the entrance to, and inside any such area there are prominently displayed notices indicating that access to the area is prohibited to people under 18
- children will not be admitted to bingo premises unless accompanied by an adult
18.3 The Gambling Commission has provided Guidance for Licensing Authorities and Licence Conditions and Code of Practice which are applied to Operator’s Licences. The council will take this into consideration when determining licence applications for bingo premises.
18.4 Where certain measures are not already addressed by the mandatory/default conditions, the Gambling Commission Code of Practice or the applicant, the council may consider licence conditions to address such issues.
19. Betting premises
19.1 Betting premises are premises such as bookmakers where various types of gambling are authorised to take place.
The Act contains a single class of licence for betting premises however within this single class there are different types of premises which require licensing such as high street bookmakers, bookmakers located in self-contained facilities at race courses as well as the general betting premises licences that track operators will require.
19.2 The council will specifically have regard to the need to protect children and vulnerable people from harm or being exploited by gambling in these premises.
The council will expect applicants to satisfy the authority that there will be sufficient measures in place to ensure that under 18 year olds do not have access to the premises.
Betting machines and Gaming Machines
19.3 The council is aware that Section 181 of the Act contains an express power for licensing authorities to restrict the number of betting machines, their nature and the circumstances in which they are made available by attaching a licence condition to a betting premises licence.
When considering whether to impose a condition to restrict the number of betting machines in particular premises, the council, amongst other factors, will take into account the size of the premises, the number of counter positions available for person-to-person transactions, and the ability of staff to monitor the use of the machines.
19.4 Where an applicant for a betting premises licence intends to offer higher stake category B gaming machines (categories B2-B4) including any Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs), then applicants should consider the control measures related to the protection of vulnerable people, highlighted in section 13.
19.5 Where certain measures are not already addressed by the mandatory/default conditions, Gambling Commission Code of Practice or the applicant, the council may consider licence conditions to address such issues.
20. Tracks
20.1 Tracks are sites (including racecourses and dog tracks) where races or other sporting events take place.
Betting is a major gambling activity on tracks, both in the form of pool betting (often known as the “totaliser” or “tote”), and also general betting, often known as “fixed-odds” betting.
Multiple betting outlets are usually located on tracks such as ‘on- course’ betting operators who come onto the track just on race days to provide betting for the races taking place on that track.
There can also be ‘off-course’ betting operators who may operate self-contained facilities at the tracks which offer customers the chance to bet on other events, not just those taking place on the track.
20.2 All tracks will require a primary `general betting premises licence’ that the track operator will hold. It should be noted that track operators do not require an operating licence from the Gambling Commission although they may apply for one.
This is because the various other gambling operators offering betting at the track will each hold an operating licence.
20.3 Tracks may also be subject to one or more premises licences, provided each licence relates to a specified area of the track.
This may be preferable for any self-contained premises providing off-course betting facilities at the track.
The council will however assess each individual case on its merits before deciding if this is necessary.
Where possible the council will be happy for the track operator to decide if any particular off-course operators should apply for a separate premises licence.
20.4 If any off-course operators are permitted to provide betting facilities under the authorisation of the track operator’s premises licence, then it will be the responsibility of the premises licence holder to ensure the proper conduct of such betting within the premises boundary.
20.5 Gambling Commission guidance also indicates that it would be possible for other types of gambling premises to be located at a track under the authorisation of separate premises licences, e.g. a casino premises licence or adult gaming centre premises licence.
If you require further guidance on this provision please contact the Licensing Team.
20.6 Children and young people will be permitted to enter track areas where facilities for betting are provided on days when dog-racing and/or horse racing takes place, although they are still prevented from entering areas where gaming machines and betting machines (other than category D machines) are provided.
20.7 The council will consider the impact upon the protection of children licensing objective and the need to ensure that entrances to each type of betting premises are distinct and that children are excluded from gambling areas where they are not permitted to enter.
Betting machines
20.8 The council is aware that Section 181 of the Act contains an express power for licensing authorities to restrict the number of betting machines, their nature and the circumstances in which they are made available by attaching a licence condition to a betting premises licence.
When considering whether to impose a condition to restrict the number of betting machines in particular premises, the council, amongst other things, will take into account the size of the premises, the number of counter positions available for person-to-person transactions and the location of the machines, in order to ensure they are in a properly segregated area where children are not permitted.
20.9 Where certain measures are not already addressed by the mandatory/default conditions, the Gambling Commission’s Licence Conditions and Code of Practice or the applicant, the council may consider licence conditions to address such issues
21. Travelling fairs
21.1 Travelling fairs have traditionally been able to provide various types of low stake gambling without the need for a licence or permit provided that certain conditions are met and this provision continues in similar fashion under the 2005 Act.
21.2 Travelling fairs have the right to provide an unlimited number of category D gaming machines and/or equal chance prize gaming (without the need for a permit) as long as the gambling amounts to no more than an ancillary amusement at the fair (see Appendix 1).
21.3 The council will consider whether any fairs which take up the above entitlement fall within the statutory definition of a travelling fair.
21.4 The council is aware that the 27 day statutory maximum for the land being used as a fair is per calendar year and that it applies to the piece of land on which the fairs are held, regardless of whether it is the same or different travelling fairs occupying the land.
The council will work with its neighbouring authorities to ensure that land which crosses the council boundary is monitored so that the statutory limits are not exceeded.
22. Provisional statements
22.1 A provisional statement application is a process which allows a developer to examine the likelihood of whether a building which they expect to be constructed, to be altered or to acquire a right to occupy would be granted a premises licence under the Act.
A provisional statement is not a licence and merely gives the holder some form of guarantee that a premises licence would be granted so the developer can judge whether a development is worth taking forward in light of the need to obtain a premises licence. An applicant may also apply for a provisional statement for premises which already hold a premises licence (either for a different type of gambling or the same type).
22.2 In terms of representations about premises licence applications, following the grant of a provisional statement, no further representations from responsible authorities or interested parties can be taken into account unless they concern matters which could not have been addressed at the provisional statement stage, or they reflect a change in the applicant’s circumstances.
In addition, the council may refuse the premises licence (or grant it on terms different to those attached to the provisional statement) only by reference to matters;
- which could not have been raised by objectors at the provisional licence stage; or
- which in the authority’s opinion reflect a change in the operator’s circumstances.
22.3 When determining a provisional statement application the council will operate in accordance with the Act and will not have regard to any issues related to planning consent or building regulations, e.g. the likelihood that planning consent will be granted.