Litter Free Coast and Sea (A project of the Dorset Coast Forum which is a hosted partnership of Dorset Council) identified the release of sky lanterns and balloons as an issue in 2015 and set up a multi-agency group to identify ways in which we could reduce them in Dorset.
Representatives sat on this group from all the local councils in the Dorset County and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole areas (district, borough, county, town and parish and unitary) along with representatives from:
- Dorset Police
- Dorset Fire and Rescue
- Dorset Wildlife Trust
- Dorset CPRE
- Dorset National Farmers Union (NFU)
- Environment Agency
- Urban Heaths Partnership
- Dorset Waste Partnership
- Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team
- Marine Conservation Society
- The Lulworth Estate
The group:
- developed and agreed a charter to commit to helping to reduce sky lantern and balloon releases across Dorset.
- sought to put in place and promote bans on all land possible such as DWT reserves, RSPB reserves, estates and bans on all council land too
- sought to ban/discourage all types of balloon and sky lantern including those that are made from bamboo or claim to be biodegradable and raise awareness of alternatives to balloon releases and sky lanterns
- gathered evidence on the impact of sky lantern and balloon releases locally
Following this the Dorset Councils Partnership (North Dorset, West Dorset and Weymouth) adopted a policy on the release of sky lanterns and balloons in 2018.
The 2018 policy has been reviewed and incorporated into this policy to apply to the whole of the Dorset Council area.