School Crossing Patrol (SCP) policy

Last updated 23 August 2023


Policy for the establishment, retention and sponsorship of School Crossing Patrol (SCP) sites that do not meet national criteria or that operate on formal pedestrian crossing facilities

All requests for the establishment of a new SCP site should be addressed in the first instance to the Road Safety Team, Environment Directorate, which is responsible for the day to day management of the SCP service. Such requests should have the written support of both the governing body of the school/s concerned and the locally elected member.

In cases where this Authority’s adopted criteria for the establishment of a new SCP are met, the agreed procedure for the creation of a new SCP site will be instigated.

In cases where a requested new site does not meet this Authority’s adopted criteria, or where an existing site has fallen to an average of more than 10% below the necessary criteria for its retention, notification will be given in writing to the governing body of the appropriate school, the local County Councillor and Town, Parish or Borough Council as appropriate.

Consideration will be given by Dorset County Council towards an agreement for such sites to be funded (sponsored) by the appropriate Parish, Town or Borough Council or school or local business or any other interested party or combination of interested parties.

All requests for consideration of sponsorship of a SCP site are to be in writing, supported by the governing body of the school/s concerned and addressed to the Road Safety Team.

Where approved, all funding (sponsorship) agreements should normally be for a minimum period of 1 year, renewal thereafter by mutual consent.

Funding (sponsorship) will normally be expected to cover the full SCP salary and associated on-costs including national insurance and pension scheme, where appropriate.

Dorset County Council will fund all appropriate management costs including day to day administration, recruitment, training and monitoring, CRB checks, eyesight tests, officer travel, uniform, equipment and implementation of appropriate remedial safety engineering measures.

Any costs for additional physical highway improvement measures that are deemed necessary as a result of changing circumstances during the period of the sponsorship agreement will be borne in full by the County Council.

Costs will be invoiced annually by Dorset County Council at the start of each financial year.

The School Crossing Patrol will be an employee of the Dorset County Council and consequently will retain all Local Government employee rights and responsibilities. The sponsor accepts that they have no management role in relation to the operation of the site or supervision of the Patrol.

The Patrol will be employed on a one-year temporary contract in the first instance, renewable annually by mutual consent between the Patrol and the County Council.

Dorset County Council undertakes to extend all usual employee benefits and protection under relevant current and future legislation. The Council accepts its duties and responsibilities towards such an employee.

The County Council’s Income Generation and Sponsorship policy will be adhered to in all cases of proposed external sponsorship.


This policy was last reviewed in 2023. 

The next expected review date is 2024.