Dorset Council is required by the Code of Practice issued under Section 46 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to have written rules on what to keep and when to destroy information – organised in a retention schedule. In a minority of cases, records are transferred to Dorset History Centre at the end of their retention period, where they form part of the council’s corporate memory. 


All information Dorset Council creates or receives has value. Records are a subset of council information in any format that can be used as evidence, to prove that something happened or that a decision was taken. 

View the retention schedule by service

The retention schedule lists the records created by Dorset Council and the minimum amount of time they must be kept before destruction or transfer to Dorset History Centre. 

At the moment the retention schedule does not apply to all systems and storage locations we have. We have started a Records Management Project to tackle this and will update the retention schedule accordingly.

Management and common activities

Please note: individual Information Asset Owners are not named because these activities are carried out across the organisation.

COVID-19 response - keep indefinitely to comply with the terms of the public inquiry, then review for transfer to Dorset History Centre (ref MCA1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – records relating to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic - the public inquiry is likely to require records relating to policy and decision making as a minimum
  • authority – business need

Audit – retain for 6 years after end of audit, investigation or legal action (ref MCA2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – audit of financial management, administration, systems, and transactions to identify and prevent fraud and misappropriation, prevention or investigation of alleged fraud and / or misappropriation
  • authority – business need

Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act processing authorisations – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref MCA3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – RIPA application forms and approvals for directed surveillance and access to communications data
  • authority – business need

CCTV recording – retain for 31 days after recording (ref MCA4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – CCTV recordings from DC owned, operated or commissioned cameras or surveillance equipment
  • authority – Home Office National CCTV Strategy report 2007

Publications – retain indefinitely until superseded, offer a copy of external publications to Dorset History Centre (ref MCA5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the creation and publication of team and service-level publications
  • authority – business need

Complaints processing – retain for 3 years after date last modified (ref MCA6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to complaints dealt with as business as usual
  • authority – business need

Correspondence and feedback – retain for 3 years after date last modified (ref MCA7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to correspondence and feedback dealt with as business as usual
  • authority – business need

Performance reporting – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref MCA8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the collection and publication of performance indicators              
  • authority – business need

Financial planning – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref MCA9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the creation, implementation and monitoring of service budgets
  • authority – business need

Recruitment administration (for unsuccessful candidates) – retain for 1 year after recruitment decision (ref MCA10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – interview notes
  • authority – business need

Flexible working requests – retain for 18 months years after date of last appeal (ref MCA11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – flexible working request form
  • authority – CIPD Keeping records factsheet

Performance monitoring and appraisals – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref MCA12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – individual target setting to meet business plan requirements, mid-year and end of year formal review of performance against targets
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980

References – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref MCA13)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – references given for employees who have left Dorset Council, or for employees moving to a different role within the Council
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980

Driving at Work risk assessment – retain for 3 years after date last modified (ref MCA14)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – driving at work risk assessment self-declaration form to be completed and shared with your manager
  • authority – business need

Tender processing - unsuccessful tenders – retain for 1 year after contract award (ref MCA15)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to pre-tender planning, evaluation, negotiation and notification
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980

Tender processing - successful tenders, contract under signature – retain for 6 years after last action on the contract (ref MCA16)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to pre-tender planning, evaluation, negotiation and notification
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980

Tender processing - successful tenders, contract under seal – retain for 12 years after last action on the contract (ref MCA17)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to pre-tender planning, evaluation, negotiation and notification
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980

Contract management - contract under signature – retain for 6 years after last action on the contract (ref MCA18)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of contracts for goods and services
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980

Contract management - contract under seal – retain for 12 years after last action on the contract (ref MCA19)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of contracts for goods and services
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980

Risk assessments – retain for 6 years after superseded (ref MCA20)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to service delivery risk assessments
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980

Reports – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref MCA21)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the submission of reports and responses to Full Council / Cabinet, or committees and working groups
  • authority – business need

Corporate meetings – keep permanently, transfer to Dorset History Centre once administrative use over (ref MCA22)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – cross-functional meeting and working group minutes and papers
  • authority – business need

Team meetings – retain for 6 years after date last modified, consider transferring significant subjects to Dorset History Centre (ref MCA23)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – team meeting / management team meeting minutes and papers held by individual teams
  • authority – business need

Business planning – retain for 6 years after date last modified, consider transferring significant subjects to Dorset History Centre (ref MCA24)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to creation, implementation and monitoring of strategic plans for teams and services
  • authority – business need

Policies and procedures – retain for 3 years after superseded, consider transferring significant subjects to Dorset History Centre (ref MCA25)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the creation, implementation and monitoring of service and team policies, procedures and guidance
  • authority – business need

Minor projects – retain for 6 years after last action on the project (ref MCA26)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of minor projects where there is a small (or no) budget involved
  • authority – business need

Major projects – retain for 6 years after last action on the project, transfer significant projects to Dorset History Centre (ref MCA27)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of major projects funded through internal or external funds

Note: Retention of externally funded programmes may be defined by the funding programme

  • authority – business need

Training delivery – Materials created for training courses (ref MCA28)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – materials created for training courses
  • authority – retain for 3 years after superseded

Purchasing and payment processing (service) – retain for 6 years after end of the financial year in which the records are created (ref MCA29)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – orders, credit notes, creditor invoices, delivery notes, payment records, records of advances, p-card information
  • authority – Companies Act 2006 and Value Added Tax Act 1994 s.6 and Finance Act 1998 Sch.18 pt. 3
  • Information Asset Owner – Senior Operational Finance Officer

Adults Social Care

Adults contact, referrals and unsuccessful requests for care services and funding – retain for 2 years after date of rejection (ref ASC1)      

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – no service provided but signposting may have taken place
  • authority – NHS Records Management Code of Practice 2021
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

Adults client contact problems (missing persons) – retain for 2 years after reported missing (ref ASC2)       

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – existing social services clients who have gone missing or are out of contact for a period which gives cause for concern. If missing person found, destroy records immediately
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

‘Shared Lives’ adult placement carers - carer is not approved; or withdraws; or is approved, but no adult is placed – retain for 5 years after last contact or date of death (ref ASC3)         

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

Service user financial affairs – retain for 6 years after last contact with client (ref ASC4)             

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – management of financial affairs on behalf of individual clients
  • authority – HMRC - Compliance Handbook Manual CH15400
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

Direct payments administration – retain for 6 years after date of last payment (ref ASC5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – financial records relating to the administration of the Direct Payments scheme
  • authority – HMRC - Compliance Handbook Manual CH15400
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

Specialist registers – retain for 6 years after date of removal from register or date of death (ref ASC6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of a register of sight impaired and disabled adults
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

Accommodation support – retain for 6 years after no longer in receipt of accommodation services (ref ASC7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – placement planning, residential and nursing care, supported accommodation and lodgings provision
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adults Commissioning

Adults commissioning – retain for 6 years after superseded (ref ASC8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – including quality and improvement/inspection data for care providers where blocks and cautions are applied
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adults Commissioning

Adult care case management – services provided – retain for 8 years after no longer in receipt of services (ref ASC9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – management and administration of adult health and care cases including enquiry processing, referral, needs assessment, care and support planning, key information recording
  • authority – NHS Records Management Code of Practice 2021
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

Adult care – involvement only – retain for 8 years after no longer in receipt of services (ref ASC10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – record of contact from family member, friend, neighbour, financial agent etc
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

Adult care – advocacy – retain for 8 years after no longer in receipt of services (ref ASC11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – advocacy services for social care clients
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

MAPPA and HRDA (High Risk Domestic Abuse) was MARAC – retain for 8 years after closure or last contact (ref ASC12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

Adult safeguarding case management – retain for 10 years after closure except where cases of ongoing litigation (ref ASC13)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – case management records relating to the safeguarding of vulnerable adults
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

Mental health, Deprivation of Liberty Protection Safeguards and substance misuse case management – retain for 20 years after no longer in receipt of services, or 10 years after death (ref ASC14)       

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – investigation and protection planning, guardianship and receivership administration
  • authority – NHS Records Management Code of Practice 2021
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

Mental health, Deprivation of Liberty Protection Safeguards and substance misuse – involvement only – retain for 20 years after no longer in receipt of services, or 10 years after death (ref ASC15)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – record of contact from family member, friend, neighbour, financial agent etc
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

Mental health, Deprivation of Liberty Protection Safeguards and substance misuse – advocacy – retain for 20 years after no longer in receipt of services, or 10 years after death (ref ASC16)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – advocacy for clients
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

‘Shared Lives’ adult placement carers - carer approved and an adult is placed – retain for 25 years after last contact or date of death (ref ASC17)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Adult Care

Archives and Records

General archive enquiries – retain for 3 years after date last modified (ref AR1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – enquiries and correspondence
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Archives and Records

Confidential access enquiries – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref AR2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to enquiries about confidential subject matter e.g. Herrison hospital enquiries 
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Archives and Records

Volunteer management  – retain for 6 years after person ceases to be a volunteer (ref AR3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – recruitment, applications, contact details, DBS checklist 
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Archives and Records

Portable Antiquities and treasure reporting – retain permanently (ref AR4)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – records about the reporting of treasure and other archaeological finds
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Archives and Records

Dorset Historic Environment Record – retain permanently (ref AR5)        

More details about the retention:

  • scope – information about Dorset's archaeology, historic buildings and landscapes
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Archives and Records

Monitoring statistics – retain permanently (ref AR6)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) statistics 
  • authority – best practice based on Freedom of Information Act’s 46 Code of Practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Archives and Records

Repository environmental management – retain permanently (ref AR7)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – records relating to monitoring of the repositories, including temperature and humidity records 
  • authority – best practice based on Freedom of Information Act’s 46 Code of Practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Archives and Records

Collections management – retain permanently (ref AR8)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – records relating to the archive collections, including accession forms, accession register, Deposit, donation, catalogues, correspondence including permission to publish, location lists 
  • authority – best practice based on Freedom of Information Act’s 46 Code of Practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Archives and Records

Consultations and surveys – retain permanently (ref AR9)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – consultation reports, surveys
  • authority – best practice based on Freedom of Information Act’s 46 Code of Practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Archives and Records

Records storage management – retain permanently (ref AR10)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – records transfer processing, retrievals, disposal
  • authority – best practice based on Freedom of Information Act’s 46 Code of Practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Archives and Records

Assets and Property

Facilities management – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref AP1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – visitors books and signing-in sheets, venue and resources enquiries and booking
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Asset Management

Planned property maintenance – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref AP2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – electrical testing & maintenance & fire precautions / utilities operation files, boiler burner contracts - repair & maintenance & schedules of rate
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Asset Management

Responsive property maintenance – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref AP3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – work orders and other documents relating to the responsive maintenance of council properties
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980  Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Asset Management

Sustainability management – retain for 6 years after date last modified; offer to Dorset History Centre (ref AP4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – excluding major projects, see corporate common activities retention schedule
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Lead Manager – Property Safety, Sustainability & Information Management

Fire precaution log books – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref AP5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – per building
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Manager Soft Facilities Management

Legionella and water checks – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref AP6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – per building
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Manager Soft Facilities Management

Fire certificates – retain for 6 years after expiry of certificate (ref AP7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – safety certificates
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Lead Manager – Property Safety, Sustainability & Information Management

Electrical certificates – retain for 6 years after replacement of electrical installation (ref AP8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – safety certificates
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Lead Manager for Facilities Management

Premises design and construction supervision – retain for 15 years after date of completion of building (ref AP9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – building, site and fixed plant and systems design and construction including large scale / high value planned maintenance excluding procurement, project files, contract files, feasibility studies
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Major Projects

Property disposal – retain for 15 years after all obligations are concluded (ref AP10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – management of the disposal of properties
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Investment & Development

Asbestos management – retain for 40 years after completion of works (ref AP11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – information file per property, reports, surveys, removal works
  • authority – best practice based on the requirement to keep health records for 40 years where employees are under medical surveillance
  • Information Asset Owner – Lead Manager – Property Safety, Sustainability & Information Management

Property acquisition – retain indefinitely until DC no longer responsible for premises, site or structure, then retain for 12 years and then destroy (ref AP12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records documenting the financial lease or purchase and ownership of properties
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Investment & Development

Fire risk assessment – retain until superseded (ref AP13)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – per building
  • authority – Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. SI 2005 No 1541 Regulation 9
  • Information Asset Owner – Lead Manager – Property Safety, Sustainability & Information Management

Fire alarm and emergency lighting testing – retain until superseded twice (ref AP14)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – per building
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Manager Soft Facilities Management

Property files and farm management – retain indefinitely until DC no longer responsible for premises, site or structure, then offer to Dorset History Centre (ref AP15)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – except asbestos records, keep even after disposal of site. Keep up to date – remove all tenant personal information 7.5 years after tenancy expiry
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Asset Management

Flood risk management – retain indefinitely until superseded, then transfer to Dorset History Centre (ref AP16)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
  • authority – Flood and Water Management Act 2010
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Major Projects

Engineering schemes – retain permanently, offer to Dorset History Centre (ref AP17)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – scheme development and construction including Health & Safety file, contract & procurement related data, design licences, drawings and stakeholder engagement data
  • authority – statutory & commercial requirement
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Major Projects

Coastal erosion monitoring – retain permanently, offer to Dorset History Centre (ref AP18)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – coastal survey and inspection data including cliff and coastal slope monitoring
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Major Projects

Flood incident case records – retain permanently, offer to Dorset History Centre (ref AP19)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – investigations of internal flooding incidents to residential properties
  • authority – Flood and Water Management Act 2010
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Major Projects


Access to information – retain for 3 years after case closure (ref A1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of requests for information made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and subject access requests under GDPR/Data Protection Act 2018
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

Data incident response - investigated internally – retain for 3 years after date last modified (ref A2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – incident response and investigation, compliance audit (not reported to ICO)
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act processing prosecution originals – retain for 3 years after inspection (ref A3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – RIPA application forms and approvals for directed surveillance and access to communications data
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

Complaints management - formal – retain for 3 years after closure (ref A4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – processing and investigation of, and response to complaints against DC concerning decision making, service provision or staff
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

Emergency planning and response – minor incident – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref A5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – emergency response exercise planning, minor incident response and recovery management, and review
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

Data incident response - reported to ICO – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref A6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – incident response and investigation, compliance audit
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

Complaints management - involving a regulator or ombudsman – retain for 6 years after date case closed (ref A7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – processing and investigation of, and response to complaints against DC concerning decision making, service provision or staff
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

Complaints management - Children's – retain for 75 years after date of birth (ref A8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – statutory complaints relating to Children’s services
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

Emergency planning and response – major incident – retain permanently, offer to Dorset History Centre (ref A9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – emergency response process and planning, major incident response and recovery management, and review
  • authority – based on possibility of an inquest, transfer plans to Dorset History Centre once superseded
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

General Information Compliance Advice – retain for 3 years after date last modified (ref A10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the dissemination of advice and guidance internally in regards to Information Compliance as a whole. This involves cross departmental sharing of advice, depending on what/who is requesting support
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

Fraud and Protected Disclosures – retain for 6 years after case closure (ref A11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records relating to the management and investigation of any alleged fraud or other allegations in the public interest raised via a protected disclosure (whistleblowing)
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

Police and Crime Panel – retain for 3 years after date modified (ref A12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – Documentation required for the delivery of the Dorset Police and Crime Panel. Assets include chairs briefing documents, declarations to the Home Office, and performance data
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

Law Enforcement Personal Information Requests – retain for 6 years after date modified (ref A13)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – All documentation stored and processed for the provision of law enforcement related, personal information requests. This is limited to only the requests processed by Information Compliance
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Assurance

Bereavement Services

General correspondence and bereavement support – retain for 1 year after date last modified (ref B1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – general correspondence; correspondence relating to cremations, memorials and internment of ashes to be retained with relevant record
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Bereavement Services Manager

Crematoria regulation – retain for 15 years after date created or the date of the cremation (whichever is later) (ref B2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – permits, orders, applications for cremation and any certificates or other documents relating to a cremation
  • authority – The Cremation (England and Wales) Regulations 2008 and The Cremation (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2016
  • Information Asset Owner – Bereavement Services Manager

Burial and cremation records – retain permanently (ref B3)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – cremation registers, burial and grave registers, internment orders, cremation and burial register
  • authority – Local Authority Cemeteries Order 1977
  • Information Asset Owner – Bereavement Services Manager

Building Control

Building Control applications - complete – retain for 15 years after the completion certificate is issued (ref BC1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records relating to the process of Building Regulation applications for all applicable buildings
  • authority – Building Control Performance Standards 2017
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Building Control

Building Control inspections – retain for 15 years after completion certificate issued (ref BC2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records relating to the process of inspecting building work for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the Building Regulations
  • authority – Building Control Performance Standards 2017
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Building Control

Building Control applications – retain indefinitely until the building work has finished on site and we are requested to undertake a completion inspection (ref BC3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records relating to the process of Building Regulation applications for all applicable buildings
  • authority – Building Control Performance Standards 2017
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Building Control


Foster carer supervision and support - unsuccessful applicants – retain for 3 years after date of application withdrawal or refusal (ref C1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – foster carer enquiry, application and assessment records, case files and statutory register maintenance
  • authority – The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Children's contact with no service provided – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref C2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – no further action referrals including missing episodes for previously unknown children
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection 

Adoption and special guardianship finance – retain for 6 years after meeting (ref C3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records relating to application for, or award of, finances for adoption and special guardianship cases
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Independent visitors for Looked After Children – retain for 6 years after date of last contact with the independent visitor (ref C4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the recruitment and management of independent visitors for Looked After Children
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Foster carer supervision and support - successful applicants – retain for 10 years after date of end of last placement (carer ceases to provide care) (ref C5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – foster carer enquiry, application and assessment records, case files and statutory register maintenance
  • authority – The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Supported Lodgings providers – retain for 10 years after last placement (ref C6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to supported lodging providers
  • authority – best practice in line with approach for foster carers
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Residential homes management and administration – retain for 15 years after date created (ref C7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – management and administration of children’s residential homes including records and registers relating to multiple residents
    • including records specified within schedule 3 of the regulations – admission and discharge, accidents, administration of medicinal products, money and valuable deposited for safekeeping, disciplinary records and daily log of events
    • in addition, record of persons employed by or working at children’s home, duty rotas, record of other persons resident at the home and accounts
  • authority – Children’s Homes Regulations 1991 s.17
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Special guardianship approval - terminated without placement – retain for 25 years from file closure (ref C8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of terminated special guardianship orders
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Early help case management – retain for 25 years after date of birth (if care-experienced or adopted retain for 150 years) (ref C9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – eligibility and assessment records, requests for support, consent, children missing education, intensive prevention
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Children in need case management – retain for 25 years after date of birth (if care-experienced or adopted retain for 150 years) (ref C10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – management and administration of Children in Need & family cases, including preventative services, privately fostered children, and sexually harmful behaviour, consisting of enquiry processing, referral, needs assessment, care and support planning, key information recording
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Children and Young Adults with a disability (CWAD) support – retain for 32 years after child’s date of birth (if care-experienced or adopted retain for 150 years) (ref C11) 

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy 
  • scope – case documents including transition planning documents, care act assessments, capacity assessments, care and support plans
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Education support case management – retain for 25 years after date of birth (if care-experienced or adopted retain for 150 years) (ref C12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – parent and family education support, childcare provision and monitoring, support of gifted and talented children, post‐16 support, physical and sensory disability support, educational psychology and behavioural support and assessment
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Education & Learning

Young carers support – retain for 25 years after date of birth (if care-experienced or adopted retain for 150 years) (ref C13)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to young people who act as carers
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Safeguarding – retain for 100 years after date of birth (if care-experienced or adopted retain for 150 years) (ref C14)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – Child Protection administration, referrals and management, child sexual exploitation investigation, allegations and causes for concern about carers / adopters, medical arrangements, court case preparation and orders, liaison with police and other agencies
  • authority – best practice and in response to IICSA
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Quality Assurance & Safeguarding

Youth offender supervision and support – retain for 25 years after date of birth (if care-experienced or adopted retain for 150 years) (ref C15)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – young offender case management, bail and remand supervision, education, health, safeguarding assessment and intervention, and public protection assessment intensive supervision and surveillance, and restorative justice and reparation management, parent and carer support
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

SEN assessment and support – retain for 32 years after date of birth (if care-experienced or adopted retain for 150 years) (ref C16)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – Special Educational Needs (SEN) assessment and statementing including Education Health Plans (EHC) and education support
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Education & Learning

Supported Lodgings case management – retain for 150 years after date of birth (ref C17)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to supported lodging placements
  • authority – best practice in line with approach for foster carers
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Looked After Children support – retain for 150 years after date of birth (ref C18)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – written case records as specified in The Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010 s.49 and s.50. To include care leaver support records.
  • authority – best practice based on the ‘Good practice guidance for record-keepers and care professionals’ report commissioned by the Chief Archivists in Local Government Group (CALGG)
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Residential homes Children's case management – retain for 150 years after date of birth (ref C19)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to individual children as specified in Schedule 3 of the regulations.
    • including: personal details in relation to the child; contact details of certain persons in relation to the child; information relating to the care, protection or safety of the child; plans or reports relating to the child; health matters in relation to the child
  • authority – The Children’s Homes (England) Regulations 2015 s.36
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Adoptions management – retain for 150 years after date of adoption order (ref C20)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy            
  • scope – the guidance on adoption for local authorities published by the DfE in 2014 specifies “Section 56” information that is covered by the 100 year retention rule as being:
    • identifying information about the child, the birth parents, other birth relatives, adoptive parents and any other people involved in the adoption such as foster carers and professionals
    • background information including the child’s birth and medical history, education, and development
    • information supplied by the birth parent and other birth relatives including photographs, and letters
    • information supplied by the adoptive parent(s) after the adoption
    • information supplied by any foster carer
    • information that the adopted person has asked to be kept, this would include their views on any contact
    • a copy of the child’s permanence record (CPR)
    • the prospective adopters’ report
    • written record of the proceedings of the adoption panel and the agency decision
    • any consent to placement and placement orders and any withdrawal of consent
    • the Adoption Placement Report
    • the Adoption Support Plan
    • the Adoption Placement Plan
    • any other information the agency considers necessary to keep
    • care leaver support records
  • authority – best practice based on the ‘Good practice guidance for record-keepers and care professionals’ report commissioned by the Chief Archivists in Local Government Group (CALGG)
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

Special guardianship orders – retain for 150 years after date of order (ref C21)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of special guardianship orders
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Care & Protection

People posing a risk to children notifications – retain for 100 years from adult’s date of birth (ref C22)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope - notifications that an adult poses a risk to children received from police, the prison service or the probation service
  • authority – Children and Young Persons Act 1933
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Quality Assurance & Safeguarding

LADO contact and referral – retain for 10 years after file closure (ref C23)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review, then destroy
  • scope – referral form, any case notes, attachments – including letters
  • authority – best practice as defined by the LADO Network
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Quality Assurance & Safeguarding

LADO allegation cases (progressed cases) – retain for 100 years after date of birth (where DOB is unknown retain for 100 years after date of file closure) (ref C24)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – referral form, initial evaluation meeting minutes, post-allegation investigation meeting minutes, any employer investigation reports, strategy discussion
  • authority – best practice as defined by the LADO Network
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Quality Assurance & Safeguarding

Child Work Permits & Performance Licences – retain for 6 years after date last modified* (ref C25)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – applications for work permits and performance licences, workplace health and safety risk assessments, Body of persons approval (BOPA), exemptions, administrative documents relating to granting permits 
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships 

*not possible to implement on current system – work and performance licences will be retained until the child’s data is deleted
disposal action – destroy

Chaperone Licences – retain for 6 years after licence has expired (ref C26)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – applications to be a chaperone in a place of entertainment
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships 

School records – retain for 25 years after child’s date of birth (if care-experienced or adopted retain for 150 years) (ref C27)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – admissions, school placement applications, attendance and sessional attendance, school transport details, pupil educational records, suspensions and exclusions, pupil details from census and on-roll information including special category information
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Education & Learning

Home Educated Children – retain for 25 years after child’s date of birth (if care-experienced or adopted retain for 150 years) (ref C28)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to children and young people known to be home educated
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Education & Learning 

School Governor Services – retain for 6 years after a governor’s final term has finished (ref C29)

More details about the retention: 

  • disposal action – destroy 
  • scope – governor data information including governor data information (GDI) forms
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980 
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Education & Learning 

Early Years Funding  – retain for 7 years after date last modified* (ref C30)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to nursery placements and funding 
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Education & Learning

*not possible to implement on current system – funding records will be kept until the child’s data is deleted.

Childcare records for Early Years settings owned by Dorset Council – retain for 6 years after child leaves setting (ref C31)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – contractual documentation including parent and guardian details, medication record, registrations forms, parental permission forms and nursery attendance registers
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships  

Accident reports for Early Years settings owned by Dorset Council – retain for 21 years and 3 months after child’s date of birth (ref C32)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – accident reports involving children
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships

Childcare provider information – retain for 6 years after the setting closes or provider resigns (ref C33)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to registered and non-registered childcare providers including day nurseries, pre-schools, childminders, home childcarers, holiday clubs, wrap-around care and all merged registration and provider documents, as well as the main staff contact details
  • staff contacts details change more regularly and will be kept up to date
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships

Prospective childcare provider information – retain for 1 year after date of application (ref C34)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to prospective childcare providers including prospective childminders who do not become registered
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships 

Schools and childcare provider advice, guidance, and support – retain for 6 years after school or childcare setting is closed (ref C35)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to school improvements including service level agreements and visit reports
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Education & Learning

Training for education and childcare professionals – retain for 6 years after completion of training course or qualification (ref C36)

More details about the retention: 

  • disposal action – destroy 
  • scope – training records for schools, early years settings, professionals working with children, foster carers, and youth workers, including personal information, booking forms, feedback, and certificates for training and qualifications
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Education & Learning

Family Information Service (FIS) activity and family support records – retain for 1 year after the service has ended (ref C37)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to family support services and activities for children, young people and families
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships 

Outdoor Education Service – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref C38)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – consent forms for group leaders and participants, service level agreements, certification logs for completed courses
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships

Outdoor Education Service mailing lists – keep up to date, destroy individual’s data once consent withdrawn (ref C39)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – mailing list subscriber’s data
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships

Whole Family Working (unless any individual’s records involved are subject to longer children’s retention policies - in which case other policies take precedence) – retain for 15 years after date last modified (ref C40)

More details about the retention: 

  • This information is dynamic and will be constantly updating.
  • disposal action – destroy 
  • scope – Information received from other internal systems. This work supports The Dorset Children Thrive Model, delivered through Localities is the mechanism through which Dorset Council and our partners will deliver a system-wide whole family approach to Early Help and family support.
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships 

Contacts linked to children – retain until the last child’s record linked to this data is deleted (ref C41)

More details about the retention: 

  • This data supports the work of several services.
  • disposal action – destroy 
  • scope – contact details and demographic information for contacts associated with children, including family members, internal and external professionals working with children, and employers and agencies
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships

Children’s Centre and Family Hub files – retain for 25 years after date of birth (ref C42)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – group contact details*, attendance register 
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships 

*paper contact forms destroyed after added to electronic system Connect Plus

Children’s Services unique property files – retain indefinitely until Dorset Council are longer responsible for premises (ref C43)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records relating to properties including plans and insurance
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships 

Research or evaluation data gathered for specific projects – retain for 12 months after the end of the project (ref C44)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – personal data for example name, contact details, client management system number, and responses to questions
  • authority – best practice and business need in case of queries with validity of any results
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships

Early years SEND support – retain for 32 years after date of birth (if care-experienced or adopted retain for 150 years) (ref C45)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to support for young children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) before they start school
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Commissioning & Partnerships

Coast and Greenspace

Countryside visitor centres – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CC1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of countryside visitor centres
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Countryside sites and nature reserves – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CC2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of nature reserves
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Health and activity events management – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CC3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of Health and Activity Events
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Rights of way maintenance – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CC4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the maintenance of rights of way
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Verge maintenance – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CC5)             

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the maintenance of grass verges adjacent to roads within the public highway
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Heathland management – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CC6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the maintenance of Heathland Management
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Gypsy and traveller liaison – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CC7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records relating to the provision and management of permanent or transit sites for use by travellers within the area including dealing with unauthorised use of land by traveller communities
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Woodland and countryside grants (except where retention set by funder) – retain for 6 years after funding completed (ref CC8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the maintenance of Woodland and countryside grants (except where retention set by funder)
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Countryside management – retain for 6 years after date of last action on individual projects (ref CC9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of the countryside including nature conservation, access and informal recreation issues
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Health and activity referrals – retain for 6 years after last contact with client (ref CC10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of Health and Activity Referrals
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Countryside volunteers – retain for 6 years after person ceases to be a volunteer (ref CC11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of countryside volunteers
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Tree management – retain permanently (ref CC12)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – records relating to the management of trees which are the responsibility of the authority
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Rights of way infrastructure maintenance – retain permanently (ref CC13)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – records relating to the maintenance of rights of way
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Coast and Greenspace

Commercial Waste and Strategy

Recycling advice – retain for 1 year after date last modified (ref CWS1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – provision of general information about waste, recycling
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy

Assisted collections applications – retain for 2 years after date last modified (ref CWS2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – Applications for assisted bin collections
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy

Bulky waste applications – retain for 3 years after date last modified (ref CWS3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – applications for bulky waste collections
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy

Household waste collections – retain for 3 years after date last modified (ref CWS4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – provision of bins, requests for household waste collections
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy

Household garden waste – retain for 3 years after date last modified (ref CWS5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – collection of household garden waste
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy

Food waste recycling – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CWS6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – implementation and monitoring of food waste recycling schemes
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy

Clinical waste – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CWS7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – collection of clinical household waste
  • authority – Hazardous Waste Directive 2005
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy

Commercial waste – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CWS8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – provision of a regular commercial trade waste collection from local businesses
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy

Street cleaning – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CWS9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – street cleaning including enforcement
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy

Vehicle and fleet maintenance – retain for 6 years after disposal of vehicle (ref CWS10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – vehicle and vehicle equipment defect reporting and repair, routine inspection, maintenance, servicing, statutory testing and taxing, excluding financial transactions e.g. vehicle purchase and sales contracts and leasing
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy

Closed landfill records – retain indefinitely for the life of the site (ref CWS11)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – engineering drawings, monitoring records and environmental assessments
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy

Waste building and refurbishment projects – retain indefinitely until DC no longer responsible for premises, site or structure, then offer to Dorset History Centre (ref CWS12)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – as built drawings and drainage
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Commercial Waste & Strategy

Communications and Engagement

Photos and photo consent forms – retain for 3 years after date last modified (ref CE1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – photography of any identifiable people (including staff, councillors, residents) for use in communications and marketing
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Strategic Communications and Engagement

Communications management and marketing – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CE2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – management of the council's engagement with both its external and internal audience
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Strategic Communications and Engagement

Consultation and engagement – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref CE3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – community and stakeholder consultation and engagement including surveys, questionnaires, display materials
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Strategic Communications and Engagement


Tree works notices – retain for 5 years after expiry of notice (ref C1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – Section 211 notices, supporting applications and decisions
  • authority – Section 211 of the Town and Country Planning Act
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Conservation

Tree Preservation Order management – retain indefinitely for the life of the order (ref C2)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – Tree Preservation Orders
  • authority – The Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation) (England) Regulations 2012
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Conservation

Conservation area management – retain permanently, offer to Dorset History Centre (ref C3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – conservation area appraisals, photographs
  • authority – Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area Act) 1990
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Conservation

Listed building and historic site support – retain permanently for the life of the site or building (ref C4)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – historic/architectural information and photographs about buildings, monuments and registered parks and gardens
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Conservation

Customer Services

Call recordings – retain for 12 months after date created (ref CS1)             

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – voice recordings of customer enquiries
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Customer Services

Democratic and Electoral Services

Electoral system support – retain for 1 year after date of election (ref DE1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – all paperwork in respect of the electoral system including ballot papers, postal vote papers, nomination papers and all election material
  • authority – based on a 1 year timescale in which an action can be brought under the Representation of the People Act 1983 s.76; guidance from The Association of Electoral Administrators
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Democratic & Electoral Services

Members - exec member portfolio case work – retain for 3 years after closure (ref DE2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – member email accounts and case work for constituency and portfolio work
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Democratic & Electoral Services

Civic offices support – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref DE3)

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – provision of support in relation to their civic functions including: events arrangement, event attendance administration, civic gift giving and receiving, civic exchanges administration
  • authority – part VA of the Local Government Act 1972
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Democratic & Electoral Services

Member support – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref DE4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – provision of support to Members including training and learning material and member allowances           authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Democratic & Electoral Services

Records pertaining to the discharging of any function of a local authority – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref DE5)

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – where a member of a local authority discharges any function of the authority by virtue of arrangements made under section 236 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (exercise of functions by local councillors in England) (b), that member must- (a) ensure that a records is made in writing of any decision made or action taken in connection with the discharge of that function; and (b) within one month of the date on which the decision is made, or action taken, provide the record to the authority.
  • authority – The Exercise of Functions by Local Councillors (Written Records) Regulations 2009. SI 2009 No 352
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Democratic & Electoral Services

Petitions – retain for 6 years after date of the petition (ref DE6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the processing of petitions received. The petition must be available at the principal office for inspection by members of the public
  • authority – Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions) (England) Regulations 2011, Regulation 12
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Democratic & Electoral Services

Audio-visual recording of Council Chamber meetings – retain permanently, offer to Dorset History Centre (ref DE7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – YouTube, Teams and other recordings of public meetings
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Democratic & Electoral Services

Constitution – retain permanently, after 6 years transfer to Dorset History Centre (ref DE8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – constitution
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Democratic & Electoral Services

Decision making (Council, Executive and Committees) – retain permanently, after 6 years transfer to Dorset History Centre (ref DE9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – agendas, minutes and reports for full Council, Executive and Committee Meetings. Some items transferred to Dorset History Centre are closed to public access due to commercial sensitivity, personal data, and occasionally other reasons.
  • authority – part VA of the Local Government Act 1972 and the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Democratic & Electoral Services

Honours and awards – retain permanently, after administrative use over transfer to Dorset History Centre (ref DE10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – records relating to the issuing of honours including Freedom of Borough, Freemen, Honorary Alderman & Civic Funerals
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Democratic & Electoral Services

Electoral registers – retain permanently, after superseded transfer to Dorset History Centre (ref DE11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – register of electors
  • authority – Representation on of the People Act 1983, Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Democratic & Electoral Services

Election results – retain permanently (ref DE12)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – records relating to the public declaration of election results
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Democratic & Electoral Services

Development Management and Enforcement

Planning application processing - third party records – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref DM1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – consultation responses and third party representations
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Development Management & Enforcement

Pre-planning application advice provision – retain for 10 years after date last modified (ref DM2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – provision of pre planning advice, documents, consultations, assessment, Regulation 21 statements
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Development Management & Enforcement

Developer contributions – retain for 12 years after project completed (ref DM3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the calculation of development contributions as part of planning applications, expenditure monitoring
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Development Management & Enforcement

Planning application processing – retain permanently (ref DM4)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – processing of planning applications including appeals and public inquiry processes including post-application advice. Documents to be retained are:  application form, drawings, S106, officers report, planning decisions, discharge of conditions
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Development Management & Enforcement

Planning enforcement – retain permanently (ref DM5)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – application form and decision notices (including appeal), plans, officer reports, historical enforcement and planning history information, photos, enforcement and planning contravention notices
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Development Management & Enforcement

Dorset Travel

Driver assessment and driver training – retain for 3 years after date of course (ref DT1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to driver education programmes
  • authority – Association of Chief Police Officers Guidelines
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Fleet Operations

Passenger transport provision – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref DT2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – public transport provision of community, voluntary and provision of public, school, special needs and social care transport provision
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Fleet Operations

Passenger transport planning and scheduling – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref DT3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – route planning, capacity management and scheduling
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Travel Operations

Environmental Protection

Environmental management, protection and improvement advice provision – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref EP1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – provision of environmental management, protection and improvement advice
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Environmental Protection

Air quality monitoring – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref EP2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review              
  • scope – sampling records that provide evidence of checks undertaken in relation to air pollutants
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Environmental Protection

Public health burials – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref EP3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – case files
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Environmental Protection

Animal welfare licences – retain for 6 years after licence expiry (ref EP4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – animal boarding, animal movement, bird licence, dangerous wild animals, dog breeding establishment, performing animal registration, pet shop licence, riding establishment licence
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Environmental Protection

Pollution and nuisance investigations – retain for 6 years after case closed (ref EP5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – case files relating to the investigation of complaints of alleged pollution or nuisances
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Environmental Protection

Environmental enforcement – retain for 6 years after resolution or end of enforcement action (ref EP6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – complaint investigation, informal resolution, and enforcement action
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Environmental Protection

Fly tipping investigations – retain for 6 years after case closed (ref EP7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – case files relating to investigations into fly-tipping
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Environmental Protection

Dog wardens – retain for 6 years after date case closed or enforcement action resolved (ref EP8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the administration of the dog wardens' activities which may include enforcement action
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Environmental Protection

Animal welfare premises licences – retain for 8 years after licence expiry (ref EP9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – all licences
  • authority – Animal Welfare Act 2006
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Environmental Protection

Private water supply monitoring – retain for 30 years after date last modified (ref EP10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – sampling, analysis and risk assessments
  • authority – The Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016 Schedule 4
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Environmental Protection

Environmental permitting – retain permanently (ref EP11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – n/a
  • scope – records relating to the control of 'Permitted Processes'
  • authority – Environmental Permitting Regulations (England and Wales) 2016
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Environmental Protection

Contaminated land monitoring – retain permanently (ref EP12)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – records relating to the maintenance of a register of contaminated land
  • authority – The Contaminated Land (England) Regulations 2006
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Environmental Protection

Food, Safety and Port Health

Food safety inspections – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref FSPH1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of food safety inspections, including inspection Forms, report forms, photographs, food complaints
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Food, Safety & Port Health

External health and safety training – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref FSPH2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – provision of food hygiene and occupational health and safety training courses for managers and staff of local businesses
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Food, Safety & Port Health

Food safety enforcement – retain for 6 years after date enforcement action completed (ref FSPH3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to food safety enforcement actions, including improvement notices and prohibition notices
  • authority – Food Safety Act 1990
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Food, Safety & Port Health

Food business registration – retain for 6 years after expiry (ref FSPH4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the registration of food businesses
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Food, Safety & Port Health

Food safety enforcement – retain for 6 years after date enforcement action completed (ref FSPH5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to food safety enforcement actions, including improvement notices and prohibition notices
  • authority – Food Safety Act 1990
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Food, Safety & Port Health

Cooling tower and/or evaporative condenser notifications – retain for 6 years after case closed (ref FSPH6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Food, Safety & Port Health

Health and safety regulation – retain for 6 years after case closed (ref FSPH7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – investigation of incidents/accidents in response to a complaint, by information reported under RIDDOR or other reason, routine workplace inspections and other targeted interventions
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Food, Safety & Port Health

Health and safety inspection of health-related risks – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref FSPH8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – asbestos/ compressed air/ hazardous substances/ lead exposure
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Food, Safety & Port Health

Health and safety enforcement – retain for 10 years after date enforcement action completed (ref FSPH9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – enforcement of health and safety law in relevant workplaces as authorised under The Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 SI 2000 No 2853 Schedule 1
  • authority – HSE best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Food, Safety & Port Health


Port and harbour facilities – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref H1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – publication of information about port facilities
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Cranage – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref H2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the provision of mobile cranes for the loading/unloading of cargo
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Boat launching and recovery – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref H3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the provision of slipways which may be used for the launch and recovery of trailed boats
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Pilotage – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref H4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the provision of pilotage
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Marine storage lockers – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref H5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the provision of marine storage lockers to rent
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Towing for marine vessels – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref H6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of towage by tugs
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Boat waste disposal – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref H7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the provision of waste reception facilities for all port users
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Boat winter storage – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref H8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of applications for winter storage and the management of records of stored vessels
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Marine docking beds – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref H9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to consents for works which are proposed at sea or elsewhere in tidal waters, particularly where they would involve operations on the inter-tidal area or that span the high tide mark
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Port consignment notification – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref H10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to port consignment notification
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Lifebelts – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref H11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the provision and maintenance of lifebelts for use by rivers and water ways
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Pleasure boat licence processing – retain for 6 years after expiry (ref H12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – application forms
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Boat registration – retain for 6 years after expiry (ref H13)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of boat registration schemes
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Port arrival notification – this information is dynamic and will be constantly updating (ref H14)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – date of arrival/departure at the port
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Marine weather data – this information is dynamic and will be constantly updating (ref H15)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – provision of access to current tidal and weather information for shipping within the local area and in national (sometimes international) waters
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Harbour Master

Health and Safety

Accident reporting – relating to adults – retain for 3 years after date of the last entry (ref HS1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – accident reports/records relating to all directorates including schools and Tricuro
  • authority – The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) (SI 1995/3163) as amended, and Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Health & Safety Manager

Internal health and safety advice provision – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref HS2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – provision of health and safety advice and support
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980  Information Asset Owner – Health & Safety Manager

Accident reporting - relating to children and young adults – retain for 21 years after date of birth (ref HS3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – reporting and investigation of accidents or incidents, accidents, violent or aggressive conduct involving children
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Health & Safety Manager

COSHH Risk Assessments – retain for 40 years after date created (ref HS4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Health & Safety Manager

Risk assessment - where youngest 'participant' is 17 years old or younger – retain for 40 years after date of birth of youngest participant (ref HS5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Health & Safety Manager

Hazardous substances control – retain for 100 years after date created (ref HS6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – surveying, testing, identification, monitoring, risk assessment, management plans, records of control measures plans of work, licenses, notifications of works and remediation or demolition works including work operations and processes involving hazardous substances Excluding individual health surveillance and exposure monitoring
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Health & Safety Manager

Hazardous substances control - disposal or demolition involving hazardous substances – retain indefinitely until disposal or demolition or end of operations involving hazardous substances (ref HS7)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – surveying, testing, identification, monitoring, risk assessment, management plans, records of control measures plans of work, licenses, notifications of works and remediation or demolition works including work operations and processes involving hazardous substances Excluding individual health surveillance and exposure monitoring
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Health & Safety Manager


Housing register – retain for 6 years after date of application (ref HOU1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – the register of individual housing applications
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Solutions

Housing association nomination and registration – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref HOU2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – information about housing associations
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Solutions

Temporary accommodation to include private sector and Dorset Council-owned property agreements – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref HOU3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – occupation agreements relating to both current and former tenants
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Solutions

Private sector leasing debt recovery – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref HOU4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Solutions

Empty residential properties – retain for 6 years after case closed (ref HOU5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to bringing long-term empty properties into use
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Standards

Affordable housing – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref HOU6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the provision and management of affordable housing
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Strategy and Performance

Private tenant advice – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref HOU7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – advice about housing related issues such as exclusion, mortgage arrears, homeless prevention, single homeless advice
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Housing

Homelessness support – retain for 6 years after date of last contact (ref HOU8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to short term and emergency accommodation for homeless people
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Solutions

Houses in multiple occupation safety inspection – retain for 6 years after date of inspection (ref HOU9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to safety inspections of houses in multiple occupation
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Standards

Houses in multiple occupation register – retain for 6 years after date registration expires (ref HOU10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the registration of houses in multiple occupation
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Standards

Private housing advice – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref HOU11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to advice given to tenants and landlords in the private sector on housing related matters such as tenancies, welfare benefits, rent, repairs
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Director for Housing

Housing enforcement – retain for 6 years after date enforcement action completed (ref HOU12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the enforcement of public health and housing regulations
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Standards

Hostels and emergency accommodation – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref HOU13)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the provision of hostels and other temporary accommodation
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Solutions

Emergency accommodation debt recovery – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref HOU14)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Strategy and Performance

Housing and public health enforcement – retain for 6 years after date banning order ends (ref HOU15)             

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – banning orders and records of entries on the government’s Rogue Landlord database
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Standards

Community safety strategy and delivery – retain for 6 years after superseded (ref HOU16)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – statutory plans and strategies, minutes of statutory meetings
  • authority – The Crime & Disorder Act 1998 and subsequent legislation
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Community Safety

Housing grants – retain for 10 years after date of grant (ref HOU17)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the administration of Disabled Facilities Grants
  • authority – Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Standards

MAPPA, HRDA (High Risk Domestic Abuse) and other notifications – retain for 6 months after status of an individual has expired or no further involvement anticipated (ref HOU18)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – copies of minutes - not holding the full or primary record
  • authority – as per memorandum of understanding (MoU)
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Solutions

Charges on properties from enforcement action – retain indefinitely until such time as the property is sold and charge has been repaid (ref HOU19)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – records relating to an enforcement action which has led to a charge being added to a property e.g. under Housing Act Notices and Works in Default
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Housing Standards

HR Advisory Services

Disciplinary and grievance procedures administration – retain for 6 years after end of DC employment (ref HRA1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – administration of formal disciplinary and grievance processes including tribunal cases
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Advisory Services

Industrial relations management – retain for 10 years after date created or agreement ceases to be effective (ref HRA2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – management of relationship between DC, trade unions or employee representative organisations
  • authority – CIPD recommendation
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Advisory Services

Allegations of abuse made against teachers and other staff – retain for 10 years after date created or until retirement age, whichever is longer (ref HRA3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to allegations of abuse made against teachers and other staff where a child may have been harmed, or is at risk of being harmed
  • authority – Keeping Children Safe in Education: statutory guidance for schools and colleges
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Advisory Services

Disciplinary and grievance procedures administration - unfounded – retain indefinitely until investigation complete (ref HRA4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – administration of formal disciplinary and grievance processes
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Advisory Services

HR Operations

Pre-employment health screening – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref HRO1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – pre‐employment health screening assessment
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Occupational Health Lead

Payroll administration – retain for 6 years after end of the financial year in which the records are created (ref HRO2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – transactional HR records including expenses and allowances claims, changes to pay, increments, loss of earnings, statutory and non‐statutory payments and deductions, additional hours claims redundancy payments, income tax and national insurance records
  • authority – Taxes Management Act 1970 s.34
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Operations

Attendance and time recording – retain for 6 years after end of financial year in which records created (ref HRO3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – timesheets, cards
  • authority – Working Time Regulations 1998, Reg. 9, Taxes Management Act 1970
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Operations

Leave administration – retain for 6 years after end of financial year in which records created (ref HRO4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – annual leave, adoption leave, sick leave and special leave. Includes maternity and paternity leave, and non-statutory leave e.g. contractual leave and unpaid leave
  • authority – Statutory Sick Pay (General) Regulations 1982 reg. 13; Statutory Maternity Pay (General) Regulations 1986 reg.26; Statutory Paternity and Statutory Adoption Pay (Administration) Regulations 2002 reg.9
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Operations

Sickness absence management – retain for 6 years after end of financial year in which records created (ref HRO5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – formal sickness absence management processes including sickness absence records, self-certification, occupational health referrals and reports, return to work documentation, formal absence process records
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Operations

Personnel records – retain for 6 years after end of DC employment (ref HRO6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – individual employees’ terms and condition of employment, job description, personal specification, pay grade, change of role and record of changes to individuals’ employment contracts
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Operations

Disclosure and Barring Service checking – retain for 6 years after termination of relevant contract (ref HRO7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – record of routine Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks having been made during employment where required by nature of job role
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Operations

Occupational health assessment – retain for 6 years after date of last assessment (ref HRO8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – manager referred and self-referred employee health assessment records
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Occupational Health Lead

Personnel records - where employee worked with children or vulnerable adults – retain for 25 years after end of DC employment (ref HRO9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – individual employees’ terms and condition of employment, job description, personal specification, pay grade, change of role and record of changes to individuals’ employment contracts
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Operations

Health surveillance and exposure monitoring - identifiable individuals – retain for 40 years after date of birth (ref HRO10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – health and exposure monitoring of employees (identifiable individuals) working with or exposed to substances hazardous to health
  • authority – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 Reg. 11 Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002 Reg.10, Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 Reg.22 Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 Reg. 25 Information Asset Owner – Occupational Health Lead

Health surveillance and exposure monitoring - exposure to ionising radiation monitoring – retain for 40 years after date of the last entry or until 75th birthday, whichever is latest (ref HRO11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – health and exposure monitoring of employees (identifiable individuals) working with or exposed to substances hazardous to health
  • authority – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 Reg. 11 Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002 Reg.10, Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 Reg.22 Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 Reg. 25
  • Information Asset Owner – Occupational Health Lead

Personnel Records - following termination of employment, for example early retirement, severance or death in service – retain for 100 years after date of birth (ref HRO12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – includes terms and conditions including offers, written particulars, and variations
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Operations

Skeleton HR record – retain for 100 years after date of birth (ref HRO13)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – summary document containing for example single document containing: employee number, name, dates employed, details of locations worked and dates, asbestos presence, reason for leaving
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Operations

Disclosure and Barring Service disclosure reports – retain for 6 months after receipt (ref HRO14)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – record of routine Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks having been made during employment where required by nature of job role
  • authority – Home Office Code of Practice For Registered Persons and other recipients of Disclosure Information; The Information Commissioner's Office, Employment Practices Code (data protection)
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for HR Operations

ICT Operations

ICT operational data – retain for 2 years after date last modified (ref ICT1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – event and incident management, requests for new ICT provisioning
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of ICT Operations

Infrastructure monitoring – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref ICT2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – vulnerability management data, security incident and event management data, availability and capacity data
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of ICT Operations

Licence management – retain for 6 years after expiry date (ref ICT3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – software licencing
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of ICT Operations

Software and hardware inventory – retain for 6 years after disposal (ref ICT4)

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of ICT Operations

User identity and access control data – retain for 6 years after superseded (ref ICT5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of ICT Operations

ICT operational plans, policies and procedures – retain for 6 years after superseded (ref ICT6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – creation and implementation of policy and procedures  
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of ICT Operations

Street naming and numbering – retain permanently (ref ICT7)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – records relating to the naming and numbering of streets
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of ICT Operations

Infrastructure and Assets

Promoting road safety awareness – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref IA1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – educational and promotional road safety material
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Infrastructure & Assets

Traffic management – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref IA2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – abnormal load management, congestion management, traffic incident management excluding civil contingency planning and response
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Infrastructure & Assets

Traffic control site files – retain for 6 years after signal is decommissioned (ref IA3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Infrastructure & Assets

Highway work regulation – retain for 6 years after expiry of permit or licence, or from change to, or removal of, licensed structure (ref IA4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – regulation and co-ordination of works on the highway including licensing and issue of permits for access crossings, cattle grids, cellars and openings, cranes and booms, excavation, licensing of amenities and facilities, tree planting, fencing, minor local improvements, private apparatus and structures, skip and deposit, temporary traffic signals, and Inspection of sites and third party works on or affecting the highway
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Infrastructure & Assets

Road adoption case management – retain for 7 years after project completion (ref IA5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records relating to road adoptions
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Infrastructure & Assets

Inspecting and maintaining street lighting and street furniture – retain for 7 years after completion (ref IA6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records relating to street lighting infrastructure; night patrols records; fault reports; part-night lighting records
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Infrastructure & Assets

Road safety auditing – retain for 12 years after date last modified (ref IA7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – safety audit records relating to all highway schemes since 1992-3
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Infrastructure & Assets

Highway scheme delivery – retain for 15 years after scheme completion (ref IA8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – delivery of highway schemes including programme management, scheme brief development, site investigations and feasibility study, public consultation, scheme design, scheme delivery planning and monitoring Excluding procurement and contract management, and ongoing asset management
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Infrastructure & Assets

Highway scheme As-Built records – retain indefinitely until DC no longer responsible for premises, site or structure (ref IA9)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – as built records
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Infrastructure & Assets

Highway asset management – retain indefinitely until end of life of structure or asset. If no longer part of highway, keep for 15 years and then destroy (ref IA10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – traffic and asset data management, dispute resolution, health & safety records
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Infrastructure & Assets

Bridge management – retain permanently (ref IA11)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – bridge maintenance records; records relating to construction of new bridges
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Infrastructure & Assets

Managing road openings – retain permanently (ref IA12)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – records relating to road openings (Section 50)
  • authority – New Roads and Street Works Act 1991
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Infrastructure & Assets

Legal Services

General legal enquiries – retain for 3 years after date last modified (ref LS1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – receipt and response to routine enquiries
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Land and property enquiry processing – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref LS2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – processing of land and property search enquiries including common land, highway extent, mineral and waste sites and developments, petroleum storage sites and rights of way
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Complaints / Ombudsman legal advice – retain for 6 years after date case closed (ref LS3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – complaints/ombudsman legal advice files
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Contracts and agreements - not executed as a deed – retain for 6 years after end of the contract period (ref LS4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – commercial contracts and agreements
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Education prosecutions – retain for 6 years after date case closed (ref LS5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to prosecutions
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Land compensation – retain for 6 years after date case closed (ref LS6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – case files relating to land compensation
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Debt recovery – retain for 6 years after date case closed (ref LS7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – case files relating to debt recovery
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Leases – retain for 12 years after the lease end date with vacant possession (ref LS8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – case files relating to short term and long term leases. Retain lease agreement as a deed
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Legal charges – retain for 12 years after date case closed (ref LS9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – case files relating to legal charges
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Easements – retain for 12 years after end of easement (ref LS10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – case files relating to easements
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Company or equivalent formation – retain for 6 years from the end of the financial year of creation (ref LS11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – case files relating to company formation. Any documents that are deeds are retained at Dorset History Centre.
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Litigation – general – retain for 7 years after date case closed (ref LS12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – litigation legal advice files, including personal injury, employment, negligence, breach of contract, judicial review
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Litigation - adults – retain for 7 years after date case closed (ref LS13)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – cases relating to a named adult, probate and administration, complaint about care provision, and access to care, mental health and community care records
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Contracts and agreements - executed as a deed – retain for 12 years after end of the contract period (ref LS14)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – commercial contracts and agreements. Retain contract/transfer/purchase as a deed
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Sale and purchase of land or property – retain for 12 years after closure (ref LS15)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – legal advice records relating to the sale and purchase of land or property. Retain contract/transfer/purchase as a deed
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Acquisitions and Compulsory Purchase Orders advice files – retain for 12 years after completion (ref LS16)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – land and property acquisitions, compulsory purchase orders. Retain contract/transfer/purchase as a deed
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Planning appeal case files – retain for 12 years after date case closed (ref LS17)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – planning legal advice files records
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Tree Preservation Order case files – retain for 12 years after date case closed (ref LS18)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – planning legal advice files records
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Contracts and agreements - construction – retain for 15 years after end of the contract period (ref LS19)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – commercial contracts and agreements
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Education appeals – retain for 25 years after date of birth (ref LS20)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – admission appeals
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Litigation - children – retain for 80 years after date case closed (ref LS21)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – legal case management
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Property deeds – retain indefinitely as long as the land/property is owned by DC  (ref LS22)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – deed packets relating to purchase, sale and lease of land and property, grant of easements, most other land transactions, closure of streets and passages
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Highway adoption and dedication – retain permanently (ref LS23)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – administration of developer agreements, adoption of roads, dedication of land as public highway
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Land Charges register – retain permanently, transfer to Dorset History Centre (ref LS25)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – Land Charges register
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Common Land registers – retain permanently, transfer to Dorset History Centre (ref LS26)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – Common Land registers, cancellation or modifications, searches, and applications to register common land or village greens
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Legal Services

Land Charges searches - retain for 7 years after date of search (ref LS27)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action - destroy
  • scope - Land Charges searches
  • authority - best practice
  • Information Asset Owner - Head of Legal Services

Leisure Services

Sports facility membership – retain for 2 years after end of membership (ref Le1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the membership of sports facilities
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services

Leisure and social activities advice – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Le2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records related to the provision of information and advice about local organisations and clubs that provide leisure and social activities in the area, which are targeted at specific groups of people
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services

Leisure and sport session registers – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Le3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – registers relating to sports and leisure activity sessions
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services

Leisure course applications – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Le4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services

Sports facility bookings – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Le5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of sports facilities. Includes booking and hire of sport facilities and usage data records
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services

Outdoor activity centres – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Le6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the provision of outdoor activity centres for use by schools or other groups
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services

Field study centres – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Le7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of Field Study Centres
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services

Artz+ Sportz+ Delivery – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Le8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services

Sports development – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Le9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to partnership with local, regional and national partners to create equitable and sustainable opportunities for sports participation at every level
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services

Arts and culture development – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Le10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to work with local, regional and national partners on arts and culture development
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services

Leisure passes – retain for 6 years after expiry (ref Le11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of leisure pass schemes
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services

Sports grants – retain for 6 years after payments completed (ref Le12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the allocation of sports grants
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services

Sports membership direct debit mandates – retain while mandate is current, then destroy (ref Le13)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – signed direct debit mandates
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Leisure Services


Library CCTV recordings – retain for 31 days after date created (ref Li1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – recordings are not viewed unless there is an incident. If there is an incident, recordings will be deleted when no longer needed following conclusions of investigations
  • authority – ICO CCTV Code of Practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library participation initiatives – retain for 3 months after conclusion of event (ref Li2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – personal data collected to deliver, for example, Summer reading challenge
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library time management – retain for 1 year after end of calendar year (ref Li3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – diaries, rotas
  • authority – business need
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library waste transfer notes – retain for 2 years after date last modified (ref Li4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – written description of the waste and the transfer note
  • authority – The Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Libraries reader, membership and loans administration – no outstanding items or debt – retain for 2 years after end of membership (ref Li5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – administration of library membership, library loans and requests
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Libraries reader, membership and loans administration – unreturned items or outstanding debt – retain for 2 years after end of the financial year in which the records are returned from the consortium system (ref Li6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – administration of library membership, library loans and requests
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library photos and photo consent forms – retain for 3 years after photograph taken (ref Li7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – photos of individuals, photographic images/ video consent. If consent is withdrawn, destroy immediately.
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library accident reporting - where the person concerned is aged over 18 – retain for 3 years after date of the last entry (ref Li8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – accident reports/records relating to libraries
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library contracts and agreements - not executed as a deed – retain for 6 years after end of the contract period (ref Li9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – commercial contracts and agreements
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library property maintenance – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Li10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – electrical testing & maintenance & fire precautions / utilities operation files, boiler burner contracts - repair & maintenance & schedules of rate
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library access management – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Li11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – administration public access to library, provision of library services, activities and events and outreach, excluding member and reader administration and library loans administration
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library consultation and engagement – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Li12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – community and stakeholder consultation and engagement including surveys, questionnaires, display materials
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library health and safety incident reporting – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref Li13)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – reporting of incidents that do not cause injury 
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library finance records – retain for 6 years after end of the financial year in which the records are created (ref Li14)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – processing library income and payments
  • authority – Companies Act 2006 and Value Added Tax Act 1994 s.6 and Finance Act 1998 Sch.18 pt. 3
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library health and safety audits – retain for 6 years after superseded (ref Li15)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – health and safety audits of library buildings
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980 (Section 11)
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library contracts and agreements - executed as a deed – retain for 12 years after end of the contract period (ref Li16)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – commercial contracts and agreements
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library accident reporting - where the person concerned is under 18 – retain for 21 years after date of birth (ref Li17)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – reporting and investigation of accidents involving children
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library volunteer management – keep up to date, destroy individual’s data once volunteer consent lapses or volunteer leaves (ref Li18)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – applications, contact details
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library public mailing lists – keep up to date, destroy individual’s data once consent withdrawn (ref Li19)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – newsletter subscribers' data
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Library property files – retain indefinitely until DC no longer responsible for premises (ref Li20)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – including plans
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Literary items of merit – retain until no longer actively used, then transfer to Dorset History Centre (ref Li21)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – items of interest to the history of Dorset
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Libraries

Licensing and Community Safety

CCTV footage – retain for 31 days after date created (ref LCS1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records relating to the management of Town Centre CCTV Recorded footage on DVD. Erase 31 days after date created, unless a law enforcement body is investigating a crime and asks for it to be preserved, to give them opportunity to view the information as part of an active investigation
  • authority – ICO CCTV Code of Practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Licensing & Community Safety

Anti-social orders – retain for 3 years after date order ends (ref LCS2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – action plan order Anti social behaviour orders [ASBOs] CBO (CRASBO)
  • More details about the retention: Curfew order Forfeiture and destruction order
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Licensing & Community Safety

Hate crime reporting – retain for 5 years after date last modified (ref LCS3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Licensing & Community Safety

CCTV log book – retain for 6 years after date created (ref LCS4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – release of CCTV Evidence records relating to the usage and sharing of CCTV evidence Log book
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Licensing & Community Safety

Alcohol and entertainment licences – retain for 6 years after expiry of licence (ref LCS5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – clubs premises certificates, personal licences, premises licences, sex establishments, temporary event notices
  • authority – Licensing Act 2003
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Licensing & Community Safety

Licensing appeals and prosecutions – retain for 6 years after case closed (ref LCS6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records relating to licensing appeals and prosecutions
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Licensing & Community Safety

Other licencing and registration – retain for 6 years after date licence or registration expired or was revoked (ref LCS7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – records relating to the issuing of any other licences and registrations to commercial premises and individuals
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Licensing & Community Safety

Network Operations

Highway maintenance – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref NO1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – processing of fault reports and requests for service, safety and condition inspection, maintenance works scheduling and maintenance operations
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Drainage maintenance – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref NO2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Hedges, trees and grass cutting – retain for 6 years after project completion (ref NO3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Highways accident reporting - relating to adults – retain for 6 years after date of last entry (ref NO4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – copies, the originals are held by the insurance section
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Hedges, trees and vegetation maintenance – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref NO5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – files relating to the maintenance of curbs side hedges, trees and vegetation
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Private road opening and inspection details – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref NO6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – files relating to new private road openings including new housing estates
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Inspections of streets – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref NO7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – files relating to the inspections carried out on streets and highways
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Skip, scaffold and sitting out licences and files – retain for 6 years after expiry of licence (ref NO8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – files granting a licence to erect scaffold, skips or other furniture on the highway
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Traffic regulation – retain for 6 years after extinguishment or expiry of order (ref NO9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)
  • More details about the retention: including temporary orders
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Sign supply and installation – retain for 12 years after project completion (ref NO10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice and in line with warranties issued by the reflective material suppliers
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Parish files – retain for 12 years after last date on file (ref NO11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – files relating to the activity of maintaining and repairing roads, streets, bridges, paths, Rights of Way and tunnels organised by parish
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Highway scheme delivery – retain for 15 years after scheme completion (ref NO12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – scheme delivery planning and monitoring
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Highways accident reporting - where the person concerned is under 18 – retain for 24 years after date of birth (ref NO13)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – copies, the originals are held by the insurance section
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Network Operations

Parking Services

Blue badge applications – retain for 1 years after expiry of the badge (ref P1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – management and administration of blue badge applications, including supporting documentation
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Parking Services

Parking permits – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref P2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the management of parking permit schemes
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Parking Services

Parking enforcement – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref P3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the enforcement of on street parking regulations (meters, residential parking bays, yellow lines etc.), issue and enforcement of Penalty Charge Notices
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Parking Services

Public Health

Retention schedule to be confirmed.

Registration Services

Civil ceremony administration – retain for 6 months years after date of ceremony (ref R1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Registration Services

List of appointed registration officers – retain for 1 year after retirement of officer (ref R2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Registration Services

Counterfoils of certificates for birth, marriage, death and still birth – retain for 2 years after date of issue. retain for longer if they have not been subject to scrutiny during a stock audit by GRO (ref R3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • scope – counterfoils of certificates for birth, marriage, death and still birth
  • authority – Registrar General guidance
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Registration Services

Forms of appointment of authorised persons under the Marriage Act 1898 or the Marriage Act 1950 – retain for 2 years after vacation of office (ref R4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – Marriage Act 1898 Marriage Act 1949
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Registration Services

Registration office routine correspondence – retain for 3 years after end of administrative use (ref R5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – correspondence regarding corrections of errors; certificates issued; irregular burials
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Registration Services

Marriage notices and civil partnerships – retain for 5 years after date of notice (ref R6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Registration Services

Signed marriage schedules and documents – retain for 5 years after date of marriage (ref R7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – review
  • authority – Marriage Act 1949 (as amended)
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Registration Services

Venue licencing – retain for 6 years after expiry of licence (ref R8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to the licensing of venues for marriages and civil partnerships
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Registration Services

Birth, civil partnership, marriage and death registers – retain permanently (ref R9)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – birth, civil partnership, marriages and deaths registers
  • authority – Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953, section 28(2); Marriage Act 1949, section 60
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Registration Services

Revenues and Benefits

Revenues and Benefits have their own retention schedule policy, published here

Council tax and national non-domestic rates (NNDR) records  

Valuation lists – retain for 5 years after the next list comes into effect

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice (bandings are altered by VO for many years after a valuation list is superseded)
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Liability order lists & summons complaint lists – retain for 2 years after the last case has been dealt with or written off

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice (if the case goes to committal there may be a need to produce the original order)
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Correspondence (including notifications of changes in circumstances, change of address, etc) – retain the EDRM record for 6 years after last action; retain the paper copy for 1 month after scanning

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Refund claim forms – retain the EDRM record for 2 years after end of the council tax year in which the refund was issued; retain the paper copies for 1 month after scanning

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Surveys & reviews – retain the EDRM record for 2 years after end of the council tax year in which the survey/review was undertaken; retain the paper copies for 1 calendar month after scanning

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

System reports – retain Academy record for 15 months; retain EDRM record for 3 years

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice (allows for queries to be made and audits to be completed)
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Computerised records – ceased accounts on Academy should be removed 10 years after the vacation date

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – Council Taxpayers and Ratepayers are entitled to request a record of their account covering the last 10 years
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Direct debit amendments – retain EDRM records for 2 years after year ends; retain paper copies for 1 calendar month after scanning

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Bankruptcies and admin orders, etc – retain EDRM records for 2 years after the debt is paid or a declaration is made that no further dividends will be paid; retain paper copies for 1 calendar month after scanning

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice (to allow for audits to be completed)
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Applications for relief (NNDR) – retain EDRM record for 2 years after the ratepayer has ceased to be awarded relief; retain paper copies for 1 calendar month after scanning

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Housing Benefits

Processes to record personal details and eligibility of those persons in receipt of Housing Benefit – name, address, income, capital and rent – retain records indefinitely for the life of the claim

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy electronic 6 years following the claim being terminated; destroy paper copies1 calendar month after scanning
  • scope – maintained on DIPS system
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Overpayment records – retain for 2 years after the debt is paid or written off

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Submissions to the appeals service - benefit details – retain electronic records for 3 years and paper copies for 1 calendar month after scanning

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – maintained on DIPS system
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

System reports – retain Capita records for 15 months; retain EDRM records for 3 years

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice (allows for queries to be made and audits to be completed)
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Computerised records – retain records indefinitely for the life of the claim

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy record 6 years following the termination of the claim
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Benefit Fraud

Investigation matching files (fraud), matching files with DWP information and fraud recording – if no fraud – retain for current year + 2 years

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Investigation matching files (fraud), matching files with DWP information and fraud recording – if sanctions – adpens and cautions – retain for current year + 2 years

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Investigation matching files (fraud), matching files with DWP information and fraud recording – if prosecutions – retain for 6 years

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Fraud recording – as above

Note books, phone calls, personal visit logs – retain for 6 years

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Surveillance tapes – if no fraud – retain for current year + 2 years

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Surveillance tapes – if sanctions – retain for current year + 2 years

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Surveillance tapes – if prosecutions – retain for 6 years

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

System reports – retain Academy records for 15 months; retain EDRM records for 3 years

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • authority – best practice (allows for queries to be made and audits to be completed)
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Revenues & Benefits

Spatial Planning

Planning application consultation processing - comments on applications made to other authorities – retain for 6 years after consultation period (ref SP1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – processing, co-ordination and submission of planning application consultation responses in relation to applications made to other decision-making authorities for which DC is the statutory consultee or development may impact DC interests
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Spatial Planning

Neighbourhood plan support – retain for 6 years after the plan expires (ref SP2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – project files
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Spatial Planning

Local plan consultation processing – retain indefinitely until Local Plan superseded and replacement adopted (ref SP3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – consultation responses
  • authority – The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Spatial Planning

Local plan project files and evidence base – retain indefinitely until Local Plan superseded and replacement adopted, transfer one copy to Dorset History Centre (ref SP4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – project files and evidence base studies
  • authority – The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Spatial Planning

Community Infrastructure Levy project files, evidence base and consultation responses – retain indefinitely until CIL charging schedule superseded and replacement charging schedule adopted (ref SP5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to preparation and enforcement of planning charges set on new developments, case files, consultation responses
  • authority – The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Spatial Planning

Mineral and waste site inspection and monitoring – retain permanently (ref SP6)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – inspection and monitoring of mineral extraction and waste sites
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Spatial Planning

Mineral and waste application processing – retain permanently (ref SP7)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – processing of planning applications including appeals and public inquiry processes including post-application advice
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Spatial Planning

Local plans and inspectors’ reports – retain permanently (ref SP8)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – Local Plan written statements and policies maps. Adopted Supplementary Planning documents. Inspectors’ Reports following local plan examinations
  • authority – The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Spatial Planning

Community Infrastructure Levy charging schedules – retain permanently (ref SP9)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – adopted CIL charging schedules
  • authority – The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Spatial Planning

Rights of way network management – retain permanently (ref SP10)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – creation, establishment, modification or extinguishment of rights of way, licensing of structures and permissive paths including landowner declarations (Highways Act 1980 s 31)
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Spatial Planning

Section 106 planning agreements – retain permanently – hard copies held by Legal Services (ref SP11)

More details about the retention:

  • scope – final versions of section 106 planning agreements
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Spatial Planning

Strategic Finance

Grant funding administration – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref SF1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – processing and assessment of applications for grant funding, administration of funding payments, financial and outcome monitoring and reporting
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Strategic Finance

Accounting and reporting – retain for 6 years after end of the financial year in which the records are created (ref SF2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – statutory, corporate and management accounts, abstracts, ledgers, budgetary control records
  • authority – Companies Act 2006 and Value Added Tax Act 1994 s.6 and Finance Act 1998 Sch.18 pt. 3
  • Information Asset Owner – Senior Accountant

Banking administration – retain for 6 years after end of the financial year in which the records are created (ref SF3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – bank accounts administration including instruction and payments, bank deposits, account monitoring and reconciliation
  • authority – Companies Act 2006 and Value Added Tax Act 1994 s.6 and Finance Act 1998 Sch.18 pt. 3
  • Information Asset Owner – Senior Accountant

Budgets management – retain for 6 years after end of the financial year in which the records are created (ref SF4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – management of capital and revenue budgets
  • authority – Companies Act 2006 and Value Added Tax Act 1994 s.6 and Finance Act 1998 Sch.18 pt. 3
  • Information Asset Owner – Senior Accountant

Charities and trusts administration – retain for 6 years after end of the financial year in which the records are created (ref SF5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – administration of charity, trust and endowment for which DC acts as trustee
  • authority – Charities Act 2011 s.165
  • Information Asset Owner – Finance Officer (Place)

Financial planning – retain for 6 years after end of the planning period (ref SF6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – strategic medium and long term financial planning
  • authority – Companies Act 2006 and Value Added Tax Act 1994 s.6 and Finance Act 1998 Sch.18 pt. 3
  • Information Asset Owner – Senior Accountant

Income processing – retain for 6 years after end of the financial year in which the records are created (ref SF7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – processing income received for supply of goods and services, posting slips, tabulations, income records, receipt books, debtor accounts, cash books, till rolls
  • authority – Companies Act 2006 and Value Added Tax Act 1994 s.6 and Finance Act 1998 Sch.18 pt. 3
  • Information Asset Owner – Senior Operational Finance Officer

Purchasing and payment processing (central) – retain for 6 years after end of the financial year in which the records are created (ref SF8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – orders, credit notes, creditor invoices, delivery notes, payment records, records of advances
  • authority – Companies Act 2006 and Value Added Tax Act 1994 s.6 and Finance Act 1998 Sch.18 pt. 3
  • Information Asset Owner – Senior Operational Finance Officer

Taxes management – retain for 6 years after end of the financial year in which the records are created (ref SF9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – payment of collected taxes and National Insurance contributions to H.M. Revenue and Customs and claims and negotiation of refunds for e.g. overpayment excluding transactional HR records
  • authority – Taxes Management Act 1970 s.34
  • Information Asset Owner – Accountant (Tax)

External funding acquisition – retain for 6 years after end of the funding period (ref SF10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – identification of funding opportunities and resources, development and submission of bids, management of funding resources, monitoring and reporting of outcomes to funding body
  • authority – funding body requirements
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Strategic Finance

Loans and leasing administration – retain for 6 years after settlement of loan or end of lease period (ref SF11)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – processing of staff loan and leasing applications, administration of loans, repayments and leasing
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager (Finance)

More details about the retention: Corporate Policy & Comp

Charities and trusts governance – retain permanently, after termination of the trust transfer to Dorset History Centre (ref SF12)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – governing documents such as trust deeds and endowment instruments
  • authority – Charities Act 2011, Companies Act 2006
  • Information Asset Owner – Finance Officer (Place)

Trading Standards

Sample, equipment and product testing – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref TS1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – testing and analysis of samples, equipment tests and product tests. Including sample receipt, handling and storage, testing and analysis, testing methodologies, reports, sample return or disposal (including weighbridge, divers’ air and bulk fuel)
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Trading Standards

Safety registration and licensing – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref TS2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – case files and licensing documents relating to inspections and complaints investigations by Trading Standards
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Trading Standards

Trader approval schemes – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref TS3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – administration of trader approval schemes
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Trading Standards

Animal health and welfare inspection and monitoring – retain for 6 years after closure or change of use of site (ref TS4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – animal health and welfare inspection and monitoring, excluding complaint investigation and enforcement, and registration and licensing
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Trading Standards

Fair trading inspection and monitoring – retain for 6 years after closure or change of use of site (ref TS5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – fair trading monitoring and inspection excluding complaint investigation and enforcement, and registration and licensing
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Trading Standards

Weights and measures fees records – retain for 6 years after closure (ref TS6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – financial records relating to the business unit including weights and measures test
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Trading Standards

Animal feed registration – retain for 6 years after closure (ref TS7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – registration of feeding stuff
  • authority – Limitation Act 1980
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Trading Standards

Trading Standards prosecution files – retain for 10 years after case closed (ref TS8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – records relating to prosecutions carried out by Trading Standards
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Trading Standards

Trading Standards officer diaries/LP 30 and notebooks – retain for 10 years after date last modified (ref TS9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – officer diaries/LP 30 and notebooks
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Trading Standards

Petroleum and vapour recovery inspections – retain indefinitely while relevant (ref TS10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action –
  • scope – inspection files for Petroleum outlets and testing of vapour recovery
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager for Trading Standards

Transformation, Innovation and Digital

Training provision – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref TID1)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – development and provision of training and courses including e-learning courses, course content and supporting materials, records of completion and attendance Excluding individual staff training records. Retain course content and supporting materials until superseded or course no longer provided
  • authority – best practice

Information Asset Owner – Head of Organisational Development

Research and analysis - processed data, analysis and interpretation – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref TID2)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – primary data collection, secondary source raw data, data processed for specific purposes, data analysis and interpretation
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager, Business Intelligence & Performance

Equality Impact Assessments (EqIA) – retain for 6 years after date last modified (ref TID3)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – council equality impact assessments
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Policy & Performance Officer

Grant funding administration and commissioning – retain for 6 years after payment completed (ref TID4)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – processing and assessment of applications for grant funding and commissioning, administration of funding payments, financial and outcome monitoring and reporting
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Corporate Policy & Performance Officer

Transformation and change management – retain for 6 years after date project completed, offer to Dorset History Centre (ref TID5)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – transfer to Dorset History Centre
  • scope – planning and management of change, oversight of major projects to achieve strategic aims and objectives and improve business delivery
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager Change

Organisational development – retain for 6 years after superseded (ref TID6)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – restructure, workforce development planning
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Organisational Development

Staff training - individual training records – retain for 6 years after end of DC employment (ref TID7)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – training and development records relating to attendance and achievement of individual employees excluding records of training for work with hazardous substances
  • authority – CIPD guidance
  • Information Asset Owner – Head of Organisational Development

Research and analysis - raw datasets – retain indefinitely until out of date and/or no longer required (ref TID8)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – primary data
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager, Business Intelligence & Performance

Project support documentation – retain while relevant (ref TID9)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – project documentation and reference material created by those working on a project
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Digital Strategy & Design

Website content – this information is dynamic and will be constantly updating (ref TID10)

More details about the retention:

  • disposal action – destroy
  • scope – creation and maintenance of the council website
  • authority – best practice
  • Information Asset Owner – Service Manager - Digital Strategy & Design