Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) License Fees 2023

Last updated 9 May 2024

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) License Fees 2023

The HMO licence fee has been increased to account for inflation and other price increases to:

New Licence

  • full Fee £735.00
  • discounted £661.50
Table - Breakdown of fees for a new license
Action Officer Time allocated (hours and mins) Hourly rate £ Cost for action 
Pre inspection arrangements - review file, update database EHO  1.00 30.71 30.71
Pre inspection arrangements - review case and allocate case TL 0.25 38.29 9.57
Pre inspection arrangements Admin - Set up on database - letters sent to invite to apply BS 1.00 17.56 17.56
Inspection/report writing/plans (EHO) EHO  3.00 30.71 92.13
Inspection/report writing/plans (TL) TL 1.00 38.29 38.29
Inspections/enforcement during licence period EHO  2.00 30.71 61.42
Liaison with statutory bodies - fire, conservation, planning, BC - update database (EHO EHO 1.00 30.71 30.71
Liaison with statutory bodies - as above (TL) TL 0.25 38.29 9.57
Admin: Application receipt, upload documents, allocate back to EHO BS 1.00 17.56 17.56
Check application documents (EHO) EHO  1.5 30.71 46.07
Check application documents (TL) TL 0.50 38.29 19.15
Draft licence (EHO) EHO  1.5 30.71 46.07
Draft licence (TL) TL 0.50 38.29 19.15
Draft licence (SM) SM 0.10 48.01 4.80
Draft licence sent (BS) BS 0.50 17.56 8.78
Payment taken BS 0.50 17.56 8.78
Final Licence (complete all paperwork) update database (EHO) EHO  1.00 30.71 30.71
Final licence (TL) TL 0.25 38.29 9.57
Final licence (SM) SM 0.10 48.01 4.80
Licence sent BSS 0.50 17.56 8.78
IT inputting/ Public register /Register maintenance TL 1.00 38.29 38.29
IT costs (general) n/a n/a n/a 50.00
General management costs SM 1.00 48.01 48.01
Miscellaneous costs (post/travel/fuel etc) n/a n/a n/a 50.00
Total  n/a 19.45 hrs  n/a 700.47
Total rounded down (full fee)  n/a n/a n/a 700.00
Fee700.00580.0010% discount for LLAP or * n/a n/a n/a 70.05
Total 10% discount  n/a n/a n/a 630.42
10% discount rounded down  n/a n/a n/a 630.00


  • full Fee £609.00
  • discounted £546.00
Table. Breakdown of fees for a license renewal
Action Officer Time allocated (hours and mins) Hourly rate £ Cost for action 
Pre inspection arrangements - review file, update database EHO  0.50 30.71 15.36
Pre inspection arrangements - review case and allocate case TL 0.25 38.29 9.57
Pre inspection arrangements Admin - Set up on database - letters sent to invite to apply BS 1.00 17.56 17.56
Inspection/report writing/plans (EHO) EHO  2.00 30.71 61.42
Inspection/report writing/plans (TL) TL 0.25 38.29 9.57
Inspections/enforcement during licence period EHO  2.00 30.71 61.42
Liaison with statutory bodies - fire, conservation, planning, BC - update database (EHO EHO 0.50 30.71 15.36
Liaison with statutory bodies - as above (TL) TL 0.25 38.29 9.57
Admin: Application receipt, upload documents, allocate back to EHO BS 1.00 17.56 17.56
Check application documents (EHO) EHO  1.50 30.71 46.07
Check application documents (TL) TL 0.50 38.29 19.15
Draft licence (EHO) EHO  1.50 30.71 46.07
Draft licence (TL) TL 0.50 38.29 19.15
Draft licence (SM) SM 0.10 48.01 4.80
Draft licence sent (BS) BS 0.50 17.56 8.78
Payment taken BS 0.50 17.56 8.78
Final Licence (complete all paperwork) update database (EHO) EHO  1.00 30.71 30.71
Final licence (TL) TL 0.25 38.29 9.57
Final licence (SM) SM 0.10 48.01 4.80
Licence sent BSS 0.50 17.56 8.78
IT inputting/ Public register /Register maintenance TL 1.00 38.29 38.29
IT costs (general) n/a n/a n/a 50.00
General management costs SM 0.50 48.01 24.01
Miscellaneous costs (post/travel/fuel etc) n/a n/a n/a 50.00
Total  n/a  n/a n/a 586.33
Total rounded down (full fee)  n/a n/a n/a 580.00
Fee700.00580.0010% discount for LLAP or * n/a n/a n/a 58.63
Total 10% discount  n/a n/a n/a 527.69
10% discount rounded down  n/a n/a n/a 520.00
Table. 2020 hourly rate by officer
Business Support (BS) £17.56
EHO £30.71
EHO Team Leader (TL) £38.29
Service Manager (SM) 48.01



This policy was last reviewed in 2023. 

The next expected review date is 2024.