To access support for your children from a Best Start in Life Advisor you must:
- live in the Dorset Council area
- have a child under the age of 3 years 3 months who attends an early years setting for less than 10 hours of Early Education Funding per week
- have a child who has a significant delay in at least two areas of development or a diagnosis that might mean this and doesn’t attend an early years setting
We can offer:
- some home visits for an agreed period of time
- regular ‘Stay and Play’ sessions which include focused activities to support your child’s development
- links to other families, toddler groups, and Family Hubs
- SENsational story times run in Dorset libraries
Our Best Start in Life support offer for children with additional needs has been awarded 5 star Accreditation through the National Portage Association (NPA) Through the NPA principals, we actively celebrate children’s achievements, no matter how small they may be. Through our support, we can help you learn practical tips and ideas to help your child learn, one step at a time.
For details of the support available you can:
• read about the Start for Life Offer
• search the Dorset SEND Local Offer
If your child does not go to an early years setting, speak to your health visitor or contact your local Family Hub.