The facility will replace the existing site located on Blandford Heights Industrial Estate which is difficult for some residents to use and unable to meet the demands of the expanding service operated by Dorset Council.

Planning has been granted for the new site, with works due to commence in 2024.

The existing site

The current site is an adapted grain store and in a poor condition.

The small recycling centre accommodates just 14 vehicles at any one time. It has poor accessibility due to steps to some containers and the site closes when full containers are collected adding to congestion on the access road.

The Waste Transfer Barn - where waste collected at the kerbside is gathered up before being taken away to recycling and treatment facilities - shares the same access road as the HRC for lorries dropping waste off and taking it away, causing traffic issues for residents. Queuing traffic also causes disruption to neighbouring businesses by blocking access during the busiest periods each day.

The Waste Transfer Barn has no extra space, so there is no possibility for taking different kinds of waste in the future.

Site selection

The area to the south of Sunrise Business Park was confirmed as the preferred site due to location, accessibility and buildability.

Design & Access Statement Location Plan

Site layout options

The site will include a new access road from the Blandford Bypass near the Sunrise Business Park roundabout.

After entering the site, there will be a separate area at the HRC for the public to park and unload unwanted items. There would be no need to temporarily close the facility (which happens at the existing site) as our contractors will be able to use their vehicles to access the waste containers from the lower yard area.

A modern architectural structure with a large roof extending over an outdoor area by a carpark.

The proposals also include separate access to the transfer barn for collection and waste transport vehicles. Dorset Council’s waste team (previously known as the Dorset Waste Partnership) have designed and built four replacement sites across the county and used their experience when devising these plans to maximise development potential while limiting the impact on the surrounding natural environment.

Aerial view of a modern industrial facility with a flat roof, surrounded by greenery. The facility has several large ventilation units on the roof, a loading dock area with trucks, and a parking lot.

The layout and design took into consideration key factors for the useability of the site, whilst remaining sympathetic to its location, such as:

  • visual impact
  • operational requirements and efficiency
  • sustainability
  • cut/fill balance
  • biodiversity
  • ecology
  • drainage
  • impacts on amenity and local traffic

The design substantially draws from the successful Bridport Waste Management Centre which opened in 2015.

Aerial photo of the new waste centre

See a fly-through of the Proposed Blandford Waste Management Centre.

Watch a full presentation from Dorset Council officers regarding the Blandford Waste Management Centre proposals.

Site access

  • access to the proposed site will be restricted to left turn in and left turn out
  • the Higher Shaftesbury Road Roundabout will be used by motorists wishing to access the site when approaching from the east
  • the Salisbury Road Roundabout will be used by motorists wishing to travel west when leaving the site
  • this access arrangement removes conflict with vehicles turning right into the site delaying access on the Blandford Bypass and similarly for traffic leaving the site

Property Commissioning Manager

Name: Jason Jones
Tel: 01305 225180
Full contact details