The Highway Authority shall establish that the area under consideration will serve a useful highway function if adopted.
For example, the Highway Authority would probably not consider adopting a road that did not serve more than 5 houses.
The area of adoption shall include margins as required to achieve the necessary visibility standards or maintenance of the infrastructure.
The adopted areas shall include any specific design features such as regulatory signs, street lighting and speed restraint points.
The adopted area may include margins to accommodate apparatus owned by Statutory Undertakers such as water, electric or gas companies. Generally verges where the sole purpose is landscaping, screening or amenity use will not be adopted.
It is recognised that trees and shrubs have an important environmental role and may relate to particular highway features.
However, in themselves, the areas of land incorporating such landscaping features seldom warrant the status of ‘Highway’ and conveyed highway rights.
Such areas shall primarily be the responsibility of the District Council or, in certain situations, the developer or landowner.
Any such arrangements shall be subject to consultation and agreement of the Highway Authority prior to the granting of detailed planning permission and approval of the layout.
Remote footways forming separate access to an individual or small group of properties shall not normally be adopted and shall be subject to discussion and agreement with the Local Planning Authority or Housing Association.
Separate areas allocated for vehicle parking and/or access to remote garages, parking areas and drives to individual or small groups of properties shall not be adopted and shall be subject to discussion and agreement with the Local Planning Authority or Housing Association.
There is scope for external bodies to manage and maintain planted and landscaped areas of designated highway subject to agreement and licence arrangements with the Highway Authority and Local Planning Authority.
Any new road or associated area forming part of a new development site shall be constructed in accordance with guidance provided by the county council.