Purbeck Cycling Code

The Purbeck peninsula is an area of breathtaking views, sweeping cliff walks as well as quaint villages and busy towns.

The Purbeck Cycling Code has been created to assist those who wish to explore this area of outstanding beauty. Covering an area in excess of 200 square miles there are several cycle routes and maps available to assist you with planning your day.

We ask that you please follow both the Highway Code and this Purbeck Cycling Code which is supported by cycling groups and local organisations.

We ask that you:

  • never ride more than two abreast and move into single file when necessary and safe to do so
  • not cycle on footpaths. Off-road cycling is allowed on public/permitted bridleways or designated cycle routes, such as the Rempstone Ride and Sika Trail. Not all bridleways will be suitable for cyclists and may have steep or uneven sections
  • be polite and courteous to others
  • do not drop litter or feed any animals
  • shut any gates behind you to ensure animals do not escape. Some off-road tracks may travel through fields with horses, cattle or sheep.
  • take extra care when passing animals, especially horse riders
  • please keep to a safe speed on all roads and tracks, especially steep, narrow lanes. You must be prepared to stop if necessary so never ride too fast for the road or off road conditions
  • always wear a helmet, keep your bike maintained and use bright, reflective clothing especially in poor or dark conditions along with lights at night
  • lastly we ask that everyone, if they are cyclists, walkers or horse riders follow the Countryside Code

Planning a cycling event in Purbeck?

The Purbeck Cycling Plan has been created to assist event organisers arrange cycling events in Purbeck by giving guidance, providing contacts and website links for further information. It is supported by Dorset Council, the National Farmers' Union, the Dorset Association of Town and Parish Councils and Dorset Police.

Topics within the Plan include: Safety considerations, choosing a date and venue, advice for off-road events, fixing and removing of signs and identification of riders. Download the Purbeck Cycling Plan.

Cycle parking in Purbeck

Cycle parking in Purbeck
Area Location Spaces
Arne/Ridge  Arne RSPB Nature Reserve - main car park 6
Shipstal Point on edge of Poole Harbour 4
Bovington Tank Museum - at side of building
Corfe Castle   Entrance to Castle Chain on wall opposite ticket office
Corfe Castle Railway Station 10
Norden Park & Ride 30
Hartland Moor National Nature Reserve 4
Harmans Cross Village car park for village hall and railway station 8
Holton Heath/Sandford Holton Heath railway station 8

Lulworth Castle

Lytchett Matravers

Village library


Moreton railway station


National Trust car parks at Shell Bay, Knoll Beach, Middle Beach and South Beach



Outside the Mowlem Theatre (south beach) on seafront



In front of Stone Quay (on seafront)

Post Office 4
King George Playing Fields 4
Durlston Country Park 4
Wareham Outside the Old Granary Public House on Wareham Quay 4
St Mary's Church, St John's Hill (concrete blocks on ground, not lockable) 12
St John's Square 6
Howards Lane car park 8
Bonnets Lane East car park 4
Wareham Railway Station 10
Sainsburys Supermarket car park 12
South Street (outside Library) 8
Dorset Council offices 4
Wool Wool Railway Station 20