This tracker is compiled by Dorset Council's Historic Environment Record and Portable Antiquities Scheme team and reflects our involvement in the reporting and processing of treasure cases from Dorset. Finds from other counties may appear here if they are being reported by the Dorset Finds Liaison Officer. 

We are mainly involved in the initial stages of reporting and identifying the finds and their return if disclaimed. We are not responsible for the inquest process, valuation or museum acquisition and often receive no information for cases at the later stages of the process. If your case has gone to valuation or is pending acquisition please contact the Treasure team at the British Museum (quoting the case number). Once treasure cases are closed we remove them from this tracker.

Impact of COVID-19 on processing of treasure cases

British Museum staff furlough and closure of the museum when COVID-19 restrictions were in force created a large backlog. This is still being worked on. 

Treasure tracker 2022

Treasure number Treasure item Parish Date of last change to tracker  Progress
2022 T442 Medieval brooch Sturminster Newton 19 December 2023 Draft report submitted for British Museum curator's approval.
2022 T443 Roman coins Compton Valence 11 September 2024 Finder to contact Finds Liaison Officer to make arrangements to collect this find
2022 T498 Medieval coin hoard Hamworthy 8 August 2024 Delivered to British Museum. In process of valuation.
2022 T499 Bronze Age hoard Crichel 8 August 2024

Delivered to British Museum. In process of valuation.

2022 T501 Iron Age coins Tarrant Rushton 11 September 2024 Returned to finder
2022 T503 Medieval seal matrix Tarrant Crawford 11 September 2024 Report approved by British Museum curator. Waiting to find out if a local museum is interested in acquiring this find
2022 T507 Iron Age coin hoard Cranborne 11 September 2024 Finder to contact Finds Liaison Officer to make arrangements to collect this find.
2022 T547 Iron Age coin hoard Edmondsham 19 December 2023 Waiting to find out if a local museum is interested in acquiring this find.
2022 T571 Post medieval posy ring Pulham, Dorset 11 September 2024 Returned to finder
2022 T594 Medieval mount South Perrott 16 January 2024 Draft report submitted for British Museum curator's approval.
2022 T609 Post-medieval mount Milborne Port, Somerset 18 June 2024 In process of being disclaimed. Awaiting release by Coroner.
2022 T613 Early medieval silver mount Tarrant Crawford 19 December 2023 Transferred to British Museum for further analysis and reporting.
2022 T682 Medieval  gold finger ring Odiham, Hampshire 14 October 2022 Finder to deliver to Finds Liaison Officer.
2022 T876 Early medieval silver strap end Portesham, Dorset 8 August 2024 The Dorset Museum wishes to acquire this find. Awaiting arrangements for inquest. Delivered to British Museum.
2022 T973 Iron Age coin hoard Tarrant Gunville, Dorset 8 August 2024 The Dorset Museum has declined to acquire this find. Awaiting arrangements for disclaim.
2022 T1097 Bronze Age hoard Crichel, Dorset 8 August 2024 Declared treasure at inquest on 9 July. Delivered to British Museum. In process of valuation.
2022 T1098 Post-medieval finger-ring St Leonards and St Ives, Dorset 8 August 2024 Finder to contact Finds Liaison Officer to make arrangements to collect this find.

Treasure cases

Name: Enquire about Treasure cases reported in Dorset
Tel: 01305 228254
Full contact details