Adult open Badminton (16+)

Mondays: 7pm to 9:30pm
Dates: 2 January to 23 July
Price: £6.30 per session (£6.35 from April 1st)

Organised doubles games in a friendly atmosphere, with a Dorset County coach overseeing the games except on the 1 April, 6 and 27 May, but the session will still run.

Adult open Pickleball (16+)

Tuesdays: 5.30pm to 7pm
Price: £4.50 per session
Organised games in a friendly atmosphere with a coach to oversee and assist.

Rusty Rackets 

Thursdays: 7:30pm to 8:30pm  

A session for adults who are beginners, improvers and intermediates. These sessions are run as a 5 week course for over 18's.

Winter courses

Course 1: 18 January to 22 February, 5 weeks excluding 15 February for £32.50

Course 2: 29 February to 28 March, 5 weeks for £32.50

Spring and summer courses

Course 1: 18 April to 23 May 6 week course for £39

Course 2:  6 June to 18 July 7 week course for £45.50

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