The councils in South East Dorset (Bournemouth, Christchurch, Dorset, East Dorset, Poole and Purbeck), in partnership with Natural England, the Environment Agency and the Forestry Commission, have jointly prepared a green infrastructure strategy, Investing in Green Places, for the area.
What is the South East Dorset Green Infrastructure Strategy?
Investing in Green Places provides a non-statutory framework for green infrastructure across South East Dorset. It sets out a vision for the area which seeks to co-ordinate the planning for, and investment in, parks, open spaces, wildlife corridors, street trees and other green spaces. It aims to maximise the benefits that these spaces can provide in terms of health, accessibility, ecology, recreation, flood management, urban design and climate change adaptation, and to make the most effective use of limited resources.
The strategy sets out some key themes and identifies a selection of strategic projects. It provides an evidence base and strategy framework to assist local planning authorities in developing their local plans and delivering cross-boundary green infrastructure projects.
Investing in Green Places
The strategy was published in July 2011, endorsed by all of the partner organisations. The strategy is accompanied by two appendices:
Appendix 1 sets out details of strategic green space sites
Appendix 2 includes key strategic project details.
There is a comprehensive evidence base to support the strategy. An Evidence and Opportunities Study was prepared by Land Use Consultants on behalf of the partnership and provides useful background to the strategy itself.
Other supporting documents include:
a report of the consultation workshop findings (July 2010)
Please note: The strategy is intended to provide a supporting framework and is not binding or a statutory plan. Each organisation reserves the right to use the strategy as it sees fit. Any use of developer contributions (including the Community Infrastructure Levy) towards green infrastructure projects will be a matter for each local planning authority to determine as part of its consideration of infrastructure planning priorities for its area.