Following a 'yes' vote in the referendum on 19 April 2018, West Dorset District Council officially 'made' the Piddle Valley Neighbourhood Plan on 10 May 2018.

West Dorset District Council has taken the decision to make the  Piddle Valley Neighbourhood Plan (as modified in accordance with the Examiner's recommendations) part of the development plan for the Piddle Valley neighbourhood area. The Report to Council and the Adoption Decision Statement are available. In addition, the Schedule of Corrections to the referendum version of the neighbourhood plan is available.

Referendum Result

The Piddle Valley Neighbourhood Plan referendum was held on Thursday 19 April 2018. From an electorate of 1,038 there was a turnout of 217 (21%). The result; votes in favour 163 (75%) and votes against 54 (25%).

Neighbourhood Plan referendum

Following the successful examination of the Piddle Valley Neighbourhood Plan, West Dorset District Council agreed to enable the plan, as amended to proceed to referendum. The council released a  decision statement to this effect. The referendum was held on Thursday 19 April 2018 across the Piddle Valley Group Parish Area. 

Referendum Documentation

In addition, the Piddle Valley Group Parish Council will also make the plan available in a number of locations in the Neighbourhood Plan Area. More details are provided in the Information Statement.

Neighbourhood Plan examination

An independent examiner was appointed and issued his  examination report on 8 November 2016 with the recommendation that the Piddle Valley Neighbourhood Plan should subject to modification, proceed to referendum.

As part of his examination of the plan, the independent examiner had to consider whether the plan meets certain basic conditions and satisfies legal requirements.

The basic conditions, which are set out in the legislation, are intended to ensure that neighbourhood plans fit with their wider context. The plan must:

  • have regard to national planning policies and guidance
  • contribute to achieving sustainable development
  • be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan i.e. the  West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland Adopted Local Plan
  • be compatible with European Union law and human rights obligations

The examiner was also required to consider the area over which a referendum should be held. His recommendation on this point was that the  Piddle Valley Neighbourhood Area was appropriate.

Consultation on the submitted plan

As the local planning authority, the council was required to consult on the submitted plan proposals before the examination took place. The consultation period ran for six weeks from Friday 13 May 2016 until Friday 24 June 2016. This gave individuals and organisations an opportunity to raise concerns they may have had about the plan with regard to the content and how it has been prepared. An independent examiner was appointed and any concerns were passed on to them for consideration as part of the examination process.

The Piddle Valley NP Submission Draft 01 is available to read together with the supporting documents which are as follows:

Additional evidence:

A hard copy of the plan is available at County Hall, Dorchester and at Sherborne Library. Piddle Valley Parish Council also have a limited number of copies available. If you wish to arrange to view a copy of the plan, please email  Jon Cox.