The Core Strategy and a full list of submission and supporting documents which have been submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government can be viewed here.

A Covering Letter and a series of Submission, Core and Evidence Documents were sent to the Secretary of State. The documents sent can be downloaded from the tables on this page. The submitted plan and other submission documents can also be viewed in hard copy at the Christchurch Civic Offices.

Document additions

A series of Further Documents (FD) have been produced to accompany those listed below on this page. These documents were last updated on 23 September 2013.

For ease of reference a consolidated version of the Core Strategy that combines the Pre-Submission (SD1), Proposed Changes (SD18) and Minor Changes (SD19) documents has been added as Submission Document SD28. There are no further changes to policy in the consolidated document and the Inspector will make use of the document for the purposes of the examination.

A series of documents have also been provided that set out a consolidated summary and analysis of the Core Strategy responses received at the Pre-Submission (SD10) and the Schedule of Proposed Changes stages (SD22.3). They are grouped by topic and are listed under Submission Document SD29. As with the consolidated Core Strategy, the Inspector will make use of the documents for the purposes of the examination.

Since the Core Strategy was submitted, the following documents have been added to the tables below:

Added July 2013

  • A35 Route Management Study (ED53.1)
  • Consultation Draft Housing and Affordable SPD (OD24)

Added August 2013

  • Rural Services Survey Findings 2009 (ED53.2)
  • East Dorset Accessibility Map (ED53.3)
  • Christchurch and East Dorset Community Infrastructure Viability Testing June 2013 (ED23.1)
  • East Dorset Private Sector Housing Condition Survey 2008 (ED37.1)
  • Christchurch Private Sector Housing Condition Survey 2011 (ED37.2)
  • Christchurch Borough Council Affordable Housing Provision and Developer Contributions in Dorset January 2010 (ED37.3)
  • East Dorset District Council Affordable Housing Provision and Developer Contributions in Dorset January 2010 (ED37.4)
  • Bournemouth and Poole City Region - City Deal Expression of Interest 2013 (ED48.1)
  • Historic Landscape Assessment West Parley 2013 (ED72)
  • Housing Strategy for Christchurch and East Dorset 2013 to 2016 (ED37.5)
  • The Case for Space (ED37.6)
  • Bournemouth Airport Masterplan (ED48.2)
  • Allendale Area Sequential Test (ED73)
  • Space Standards: the Benefits April 2010 (ED37.7)
  • Housing Design Standards: Evidence Summary July 2010 (ED37.8)
  • Cuthbury Allotments, Stone Park and Julians Road Landscape Character Assessment (ED74)
  • Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) Form (OD25)
  • Retail Study for Corfe Mullen and West Parley (ED40.1)
  • More up to date version of Investing in Green Places SE Dorset Green Infrastructure Strategy added (ED34)

Added 12 September 2013

  • Christchurch Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Update to Appendix E Larger Sites Deliverability Assessment (ED32.1)
  • Christchurch Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Intelligent Land 5 Year Supply Analysis (ED32.2)
  • Christchurch Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Councils Response to Peter Atfield report (ED32.3)
  • Wimborne Transport Model - Main Document (ED53.4)
  • Wimborne Transport Model - Option Testing (ED53.5)
  • Memo of Understanding on SE Dorset Growth and Transport March 2010 (ED53.6)
  • Buro Happold B3073 Corridor Modelling (ED53.7)
  • Burton Ecological Assessment (ED75)
  • Bournemouth Airport Transport Infrastructure Study (ED76)

Added 19 September 2013

  • Christchurch and East Dorset Employment Land Review Stage 1 2007 (ED48.3)
  • Christchurch and East Dorset Employment Land Review Stage 2 2009 (ED48.4)

Added 24 September 2013

  • East Dorset Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2012 - Site Details for Wimborne and Colehill (ED33.1)
  • East Dorset Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2012 - Database Data Entry Screens (ED33.2)

Added 11 December 2013

  • Schedule of Main Modifications to the Submitted Core Strategy (SD31)
  • Schedule of Main Modifications to the Submitted Core Strategy Sustainability Report (SD32)
  • Schedule of Main Modifications to the Submitted Core Strategy Habitat Regulations Assessment (SD33)
  • Schedule of Minor Modifications to the Submitted Core Strategy (SD34)
  • Infrastructure Delivery Plan December 2013 (SD35)

Added 8 January 2014

  • Erratum to MM23 from the Schedule of Main Modifications (SD31.1)

Added 6 February 2014

  • Responses Schedule of Main Modifications to the Submitted Core Strategy - Original Format (SD36)
  • Responses Schedule of Main Modifications to the Submitted Core Strategy - Transcript and Council Responses (SD37)

Submission Documents

Submission Documents
Number Document Title
SD1 Core Strategy Pre-Submission Consultation Document April 2012
SD2 Policies Maps
SD3 Key Diagram
SD4 Duty to Co-operate
SD6 Sustainability Report Incorporating the Sustainability Appraisal, Equalities Impact Assessment and Health Impact Assessment
SD7 Habitats Regulations Assessment Report February 2012
SD8 Responses to the Core Strategy Pre-Submission - Original Format
SD9 Responses to the Core Strategy Pre-Submission - Transcripts by Chapter and Policy
SD10 Analysis of Responses to the Pre-Submission Consultation Document April 2012
SD11 Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan April 2012
SD12 Statement of Representations Procedure
SD13 Public Protocol for Dealing with Representations to the Consultation and Guidance Notes for Completing the Representation Form

Core Strategy Pre-Submission Leaflets:

SD15 Background Papers (listed below)
SD15.1 Background Paper 01 Vision and Strategic Objectives
SD15.2 Background Paper 02 Key Strategy
SD15.3 Background Paper 03 Christchurch and Highcliffe Centres
SD15.4 Background Paper 04 Christchurch Urban Extension
SD15.5 Background Paper 05 Bournemouth Airport and Business Park
SD15.6 Background Paper 06 Wimborne and Colehill Proposals
SD15.7 Background Paper 07 Corfe Mullen Proposals
SD15.8 Background Paper 08 Ferndown and West Parley Proposals
SD15.9 Background Paper 09 Verwood and West Moors Proposals
SD15.10 Background Paper 10 Managing the Natural Environment
SD15.11 Background Paper 11 Creating  High Quality and Distinctive Environments  
SD15.12 Background Paper 12 Meeting Local Needs
SD15.13 Background Paper 13 Creating Prosperous Communities
SD15.14 Background Paper 14 Transport and Accessibility
SD16 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report January 2013
SD17 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report - Relationship with other Policies, Plans and Programmes January 2013
SD19 Core Strategy Pre-Submission Minor Document Changes October 2012
SD20 Schedule of Proposed Changes to the Core Strategy Pre-Submission, Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan November 2012
SD21 Schedule of Proposed Changes to the Core Strategy Pre-Submission, Habitats Regulation Assessment November 2012

Schedule of Proposed Changes to the Core Strategy Pre-Submission Sustainability Report, incorporating the Sustainability Appraisal, Equalities Impact Assessment and Health Impact Assessment November 2012


 Schedule of Proposed Changes to the Core Strategy Pre-Submission Responses - Original Format

SD22.2  Schedule of Proposed Changes to the Core Strategy Pre-Submission Responses - Transcripts

 Schedule of Proposed Changes to the Core Strategy Pre-Submission Responses - Analysis of Responses


East Dorset Local Development Scheme January 2013


Christchurch Local Development Scheme December 2012


Statement of Community Involvement for Christchurch and East Dorset 2006


Core Strategy Consultation Information Document October 2010


Christchurch and East Dorset Housing Trajectory 2013



Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - AFFORDABLE HOUSING (May 2013)


Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - AIRPORT (May 2013)


Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - COMMUNITY (May 2013)


Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - DISTINCTIVE ENVIRONMENTS (May 2013)


Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - EMPLOYMENT (May 2013)


Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - ENVIRONMENT (May 2013)


Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - HOUSING (May 2013)


Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - KEY STRATEGY (May 2013)


Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - NEW NEIGHBOURHOODS (May 2013)


Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - RETAIL (May 2013)


Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - RURAL AREAS (May 2013)


Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - TOWN CENTRES (May 2013)

SD29.13 Consultation Response Analysis by Topic - TRANSPORT (May 2013)

Christchurch and East Dorset Core Strategy Monitoring Framework

SD31 Schedule of Minor Modifications to the Submitted Core Strategy (added 11 December 2013)
SD31.1 Erratum to MM23 from the Schedule of Main Modifications (added 8 January 2014)
SD32 Schedule of Main Modifications to the Submitted Core Strategy Sustainability Report (added 11 December 2013)
SD33 Schedule of Main Modifications to the Submitted Core Strategy Habitat Regulations Assessment (added 11 December 2013)
SD34 Schedule of Minor Modifications to the Submitted Core Strategy (added 11 December 2013)
SD35 Infrastructure Delivery Plan December 2013 (added 11 December 2013)
SD36  Responses Schedule of Main Modifications to the Submitted Core Strategy - Original Format (added 6 February 2014)
SD37 Responses Schedule of Main Modifications to the Submitted Core Strategy - Transcripts and Council Responses (added 6 February 2014)

Core Documents

Core Documents
Number Document Title
CD1 Core Strategy Issues and Options Discussion Paper March 2008
CD2 Affordable Housing Issues and Options Discussion Paper March 2008

Core Strategy and Affordable Housing Leaflets - Set. March 2008:

CD4 Key Issues Papers (listed below)
CD4.1 Key Issues Papers - 01 Vision and Objectives
CD4.2 Key Issues Papers - 02 Climate Change and Sustainable Development
CD4.3 Key Issues Papers - 03 Managing and Safeguarding the Natural Environment
CD4.4 Key Issues Papers - 04 Historic Built Environment
CD4.5 Key Issues Papers - 05 The Key Strategy
CD4.6 Key Issues Papers - 06 Green Belt
CD4.7 Key Issues Papers - 07 Christchurch Urban Extension
CD4.8 Key Issues Papers - 08 Transport
CD4.9 Key Issues Papers - 09 Town Village and Neighbourhood Centres
CD4.10 Key Issues Papers - 10 Sustainable Economic Growth
CD4.11 Key Issues Papers - 11 East Dorset Employment Land
CD4.12 Key Issues Papers - 12 Bournemouth Airport and Business Park
CD4.13 Key Issues Papers - 13 Delivering Suitable and Sufficient Housing
CD4.14 Key Issues Papers - 14 Community Issues
CD4.15 Key Issues Papers - 15 Improving Sports and Leisure Facilities
CD4.16 Key Issues Papers - 16 Tourism
CD4.17 Key Issues Papers - 17 Affordable Housing
CD4.18 Key Issues Papers - 18 Design and Landscape
CD5 Area Profiles (listed below)
CD5.1 Area Profile - Corfe Mullen
CD5.2 Area Profile - East Dorset Rural Area
CD5.3 Area Profile - Ferndown and West Parley
CD5.4 Area Profile - St Leonards and St Ives
CD5.5 Area Profile - Verwood
CD5.6 Area Profile - West Moors
CD5.7 Area Profile - Wimborne and Colehill
CD5.8 Area Profile - Burton
CD5.9 Area Profile - Christchurch Town Centre
CD5.10 Area Profile - Grange
CD5.11 Area Profile - Highcliffe
CD5.12 Area Profile - Hurn
CD5.13 Area Profile - Mudeford and West Highcliffe
CD5.14 Area Profile - Portfield and Jumpers
CD5.15 Area Profile - Purewell and Stanpit
CD6 Core Strategy Options for Consideration October 2010
CD7 Options for Consideration leaflet
CD8 Core Strategy Interim Sustainability Statement October 2010
CD9 Habitats Regulations Assessment Report September 2010
C10 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report September 2010
CD11 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report, Relationship with Other Policies, Plans and Programmes September 2010
CD12 Consultation Responses for Assessments, Background Papers and Evidence Reports October 2010
CD13 Options Equalities Impact Assessment October 2010
CD14 Options Health Impact Assessment October 2010

Evidence Documents

Climate change and natural environment

Climate change and natural environment
Number Document Title
ED1 The Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole, Renewable Energy Strategy to 2020 (2012)
ED2 Poole and Christchurch Bay Shoreline Management Plan
ED3 Christchurch and East Dorset Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1
ED4 Christchurch Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 2

Christchurch Bay and Harbour Forum Study September 2012:

ED6 Heathland - Interim Development Framework 2010
ED7 The Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework 2012-2014 (Supplementary Planning Document)
ED8 Dorset Heathland Joint Development Plan Document (Preferred Options Consultation) (2013)
ED9 Christchurch Harbour and Waterways Management Plan
ED10 Dorset Biodiversity Strategy Mid Term Review 2010
ED11 Dorset Biodiversity Appraisal and Mitigation Plan Advice Note April 2011
ED12 Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Energy Efficiency Strategy 2009
ED13 South West Nature Map
ED14 East Dorset Flood Risk, Groundwater and Sustainable Drainage SPG 2005

High quality and distinctive environments

High quality and distinctive environments
Number Document Title
ED16 Christchurch Borough-wide Character Assessment (2003)
ED17 East Dorset Countryside Design Summary Supplementary Planning Guidance 1999
ED18 East Dorset Special Character Areas Supplementary Planning Guidance 2005
ED19 East Dorset Landscape Character Assessment 2008
ED20 Cranborne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plan
ED21 New Forest National Park Management Plan 2010 - 2015

Meeting local needs

Meeting local needs
Number Document Title
ED22 South West Regional Assembly Functional Analysis of Settlements April 2005
ED23 Christchurch and East Dorset Community Infrastructure Viability Testing January 2013
ED23.1 Christchurch and East Dorset Community Infrastructure Viability Testing June 2013
ED24 Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedules for Christchurch and East Dorset January 2013

Dorset-wide Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations Joint Development Issues and Options Consultation November 2011 - comprising Issues and Options Consultation Document

ED26 Dorset Survey of Housing Need Bournemouth and Poole Housing Market Assessment June 2008
ED27 Bournemouth/Poole Housing Market Area, 2011 Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update 2011
ED28 Bournemouth/Poole Housing Market Area, 2011 Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update:Summary Report for Christchurch Borough Council
ED29 Bournemouth/Poole HMA, 2011 Strategic Housing Market Assessment: Summary Report for East Dorset District Council
ED30 Christchurch 2011 Census Based Population projections
ED31 East Dorset 2011 Census Based Population projections

Christchurch Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Update to Appendix E Larger Sites Deliverability Assessment (added 12 September 2013)


Christchurch Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Intelligent Land 5 Year Supply Analysis (added 12 September 2013)


Christchurch Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment - Councils Response to Peter Atfield report (added 12 September 2013)

ED33 East Dorset Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2012
ED33.2 East Dorset Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2012 - Database Data Entry Screens
ED34 Investing in Green Places SE Dorset Green Infrastructure Strategy July 2011
ED35 Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment for Christchurch and East Dorset
ED36 Dorset Healthy Weight Strategy
ED37 East Dorset Health Improvement Strategy 2009-2013
ED37.1 East Dorset Private Sector Housing Condition Survey 2008
ED37.2 Christchurch private Sector Housing Condition Survey 2011
ED37.3 Christchurch Borough Council Affordable Housing Provision and Developer Contributions in Dorset
ED37.4 East Dorset District Council Affordable Housing Provision and Developer Contributions in Dorset
ED37.5 Housing Strategy for Christchurch and East Dorset 2013 to 2016
ED37.6 The Case for Space
ED37.7 Space Standards - the Benefits April 2010
ED37.8 Housing Design Standards - Evidence Summary July 2010

Creating prosperous communities

Creating prosperous communities
Number Document Title
ED38 Joint Retail Assessment Christchurch Borough Council East Dorset District Council North Dorset District Council Purbeck District Council Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners 2008
ED39 Joint Retail Assessment Christchurch 2008
ED40 Joint Retail Assessment East Dorset 2008
ED40.1 Retail Study for Corfe Mullen and West Parley
ED41 Christchurch and East Dorset Retail Study Update 2012
ED42 Bournemouth Dorset Poole Workspace Strategy and Delivery Plan October 2008
ED43 Bournemouth Dorset Poole Workspace Study 2012
ED44 Raising the Game-Economic Development Strategy-Bournemouth Dorset and Poole Economic Partnership
ED45 Bournemouth Airport Economic Study (2008)
ED46 Bournemouth Airport Economic Study (2008)
ED47 Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Total Place Project
ED48 East Dorset Total Place Review of Opportunities Ferndown and Wimborne 2010
ED48.1 Bournemouth and Poole City Region - City Deal Expression of Interest (2013)
ED48.2 Bournemouth Airport Masterplan

Christchurch and East Dorset Employment Land Review Stage 1 2007 (added 19 September 2013)


Christchurch and East Dorset Employment Land Review Stage 2 2009 (added 19 September 2013)

Transport and accessibility

Transport and accessibility
Number Document Title
ED49 Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Local Transport Plan 3 (2011)
ED50 Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Local Transport Plan 3 Implementation Plan 2011-2014
ED51 South East Dorset Transport Contributions Scheme 2 Supplementary Planning Document (April 2012)
ED52 Dorset Residential Car Parking Guidance
ED53 Wimborne Transport Model - Summary Report
ED53.1 A35 Route Management Summary
ED53.2 Rural Services Survey Findings 2009
ED53.3 East Dorset Accessibility Map
ED53.4 Wimborne Transport Model - Main Document (added 12 September 2013)
ED53.5 Wimborne Transport Model - Option Testing (added 12 September 2013)
ED53.6 Memo of Understanding on SE Dorset Growth and Transport March 2010 (added 12 September 2013)
ED53.7 Buro Happold B3073 Corridor Modelling (added 12 September 2013)

Parish plans

Parish plans
Number Document Title
ED54 Alderholt Parish Plan 2006
ED55 Corfe Mullen Parish Plan 2006
ED56 St Leonards and St Ives Parish Plan 2007
ED57 Colehill Parish Plan 2008
ED58 Verwood Town Plan Survey Results Feb 2013
ED59 Hurn Parish Plan 2010
ED60 Sixpenny Handley with Pentridge Parish Plan 2007
ED61 Sturminster Marshall Parish Plan 2004

Master plan and site specific documents

Master plan and site specific documents
Number Document Title
ED62 East Dorset Housing Options Masterplan Report (Wimborne, Corfe Mullen and Ferndown and West Parley) 2010
ED63 East Dorset Housing Options Masterplan Report (Verwood) 2010
ED64 East Dorset New Neighbourhoods Masterplan Report Final Report 2012
ED65 East Dorset New Neighbourhoods Stage 1 Baseline Report
ED66 East Dorset New Neighbourhoods Viability Overview Report and Appendices 2012
ED67 East Dorset Parley Cross Potential Junction Improvements Summary 2012
ED68 Christchurch Urban Extension Masterplan Report Stage 1 (2010)
ED69 Christchurch Urban Extension - (Core Strategy Policy & Master Planning Document)
ED70 Christchurch Urban Extension Master Plan Viability Reports (2011/12)
ED71 Burton Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan February 2007
ED72 Historic Landscape Assessment West Parley 2013
ED73 Allendale Area Sequential Test
ED74 Cuthbury Allotments, Stone Park and Julians Road Landscape Character Assessment
ED75 Burton Ecological Assessment

Other documents

Other Documents
Number Document Title

Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Structure Plan (2001)

The Localism Act 2011 provided the Secretary of State with power to make an order to revoke regional strategies. Revocation of the Regional Strategy for the South West came into force on 20 May 2013.

At the same time, with one or two specific exemptions none of which affect Dorset, the Government revoked saved structure plan policies in the South West, including all the saved policies in the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Structure Plan.

The  Dorset Structure Plan Schedule of revoked saved policies is retained for archive and reference purposes.

OD2 Structure Plan Government Office for South West (GOSW) Saving Direction
OD3 Structure Plan Government Office for South West (GOSW) Error Letter
OD4 Christchurch Borough Local Plan 2001
OD5 East Dorset Local Plan 2002
OD6 Christchurch and East Dorset Corporate Plan 2013
OD7 Dorset Sustainable Communities Strategy 2010-2020
OD8 Christchurch Community Strategy (2007)
OD9 East Dorset Community Strategy
OD10 Christchurch Borough Annual Monitoring Report 2011/2012
OD11 East Dorset Annual Monitoring Report (March 2012)
OD12 Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Minerals Pre-Submission Core Strategy (July 2012)
OD14 Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Minerals Site Allocations - Discussion Paper (2008)
OD15 New Forest National Park Local Development Framework Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD 2010
OD16 New Forest National Park Management Plan 2010 - 2015
OD17 Land at Eastworth Farm, Verwood. Letter from EDDC to Ken Parkes Planning Consultants March 2013
OD18 The Draft Revised Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West Incorporating the Secretary of State's proposed Changes (July 2008)
OD19 Regional Spatial Strategy Strategic Green Belt Review: Colin Buchanan Feb 2006
OD20 SW Draft RSS Urban Extension Evidence Base Review Study Approach and Summary of Findings Feb 2007
OD21 SE Dorset Joint Study Area Strategy First Detailed Proposals for the SW Regional Spatial Strategy (SED01) November 2005
OD22 SE Dorset Joint Study Area The Strategy (SED02) November 2005
OD23 SE Dorset Joint Study Area Development Options (SED04) November 2005
OD24.1 Consultation Draft Housing Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document
OD24.2 Consultation Draft Housing Affordable Housing Consultation Letter
OD25 Housing Quality Indicators (HQI) Form