All trees, regardless of species, are protected by the conservation area status as long as the trunk diameter is greater than 75mm when measured at 1.5m above ground level.

A conservation area can be defined as an area of special architectural or historical interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. Find out if your tree is in a conservation area. This allows you to locate applications on a map. Use the address search, or the map drag and zoom controls to find the area and layers you are interested in.

If you are planning to carry out work to any tree(s) within a conservation area you will need to give us 6 weeks notice of the proposed work. During the 6 weeks notice we use this time to decide if the tree(s) should be protected from the proposed work by a Tree preservation order. More information explaining the legislation governing tree protection in conservation areas is available on the GOV.UK website and at

You can search and view existing and past applications and notifications for tree works.

Applications for tree works

You can apply online through the Planning Portal website. There are no fees for notifications to carry out works to protected trees. Please remember that it is an offence to carry out works to a tree in a conservation area without giving us 6 weeks' notice. The same penalties as those for contravening an Order apply.

Contact your local team

Tree Team West: for Ex District North Dorset, West Dorset and Weymouth and Portland - Dorset Council

Tree Team East: for Ex District East Dorset and Purbeck - Dorset Council