Dog related PSPO 2024

The current Dorset Council Dog related Public Spaces Protection Order came into force on 1 January 2024. It lasts until 31 December 2026.

View the contents of the Dog related PSPO. If you need this document in an accessible format, contact us. 

The Order states that:

  • owners are to pick up their dog's poo in all public spaces and dispose of it appropriately
  • no dogs are allowed in enclosed children’s play areas or on marked sports pitches
  • no dogs are allowed on certain beaches between 1 May and 30 September
  • dogs are to be put on a lead when instructed to do so by an authorised officer
  • dogs are to be kept on a lead in signposted and identified areas

Areas where you have to keep your dog on a lead are:

  • cemeteries, churchyards or graveyards
  • council owned allotments
  • formal public gardens
  • within 5 metres of marked sports pitches
  • council owned car parks
  • Rodwell Trail Weymouth
  • on roads and walkways close to certain beaches 
  • certain beaches dependent on season 

Exemptions to the dog related PSPO

Exemptions apply which mainly relate to those with poor dexterity or disability preventing them from collecting dog poo, as well as enabling those with assistance dogs to access dog excluded areas, these are described in the Order. Additionally, some landowners have exempted their land from some or all of the restrictions.

An Equality Impact Assessment was supplied for Cabinet and helped form the exemptions within the Order, to assist with enforcement and ensure signage was appropriate.

Information signs are provided in most locations to indicate where restrictions are in force. 
Local landowners may choose to have their own restrictions. If you are travelling across private land please be respectful and follow any request about how you control your dog.

Fines (Fixed Penalty Notice) for not complying with the Dog related PSPO

You may be fined for not complying with the Order. If you believe that you did not offend or you meet any of the exemptions please contact us to discuss.

Authorised Officers will always be able to show you their identity badge or produce their authorisation.

The current penalty level is set in legislation as £100 to be paid within 28 days. Early payment, within 14 days, will reduce this to £75.

Advice from our Dog Warden

The Dog Warden is happy to speak to members of the public on all dog-related issues. If you have queries please contact the Dog Warden Service in your area.

Contact the Dog Warden Service