The Hearing Support Service (HSS) works in partnership with schools and families. We support the inclusion and achievement of deaf children.  We work with children and young people up to the age of 18. This is up to age 25 for young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) if they are attending an educational placement.

We work closely with the schools:

  • special educational needs and disabilities co-ordinator (SENDCO)
  • class teachers
  • support staff

and offer a range of support depending on the child’s level of hearing loss and learning needs. 

Support for schools includes:

  • deaf awareness guidance
  • regular visits to support the child
  • maintenance of equipment 

Find out more about choosing a school.

Primary: Key Stages 1 and 2 

All children who have a diagnosed hearing loss and use:

  • hearing aids
  • bone conduction hearing devices
  • cochlear implants

are supported in school by a specialist Advisory Teacher from the HSS. 

The number and nature of visits are matched to learning needs. It will include advice and training for schools. 

The range of support for children, families and schools may include:

  • helping children to understand their hearing loss using the Audiology Curriculum
  • Deaf Awareness sessions for other pupils in the class
  • checking hearing aids and listening devices and monitoring effective use of equipment
  • liaison and advice for SENDCOs, class teachers and support staff. This is to ensure we use deaf awareness and learning strategies effectively
  • Speech and Language activities and assessment to check progress
  • contributing to target setting for children with Individual Education Plans
  • providing reports for Annual Reviews if needed
  • attending EHCP meetings as appropriate
  • advising on Access Arrangements for statutory assessments and SATs
  • liaising with other professionals in education and health services. This could be Audiology, and Speech and Language Therapy

Find out more about preparing your child for primary school

Transition to a new school

Moving to a new school, can be unsettling for a pupil with hearing loss. This can be even harder with a transfer to secondary school. HSS guidance helps to achieve a smooth transition. We do this by supporting the pupil and new school with a transition plan which may include:

  • meeting and training for the new teachers and support staff
  • extra visits to the new school for the pupil
  • an Environmental Report to assess the acoustic conditions
  • extra support for the pupil to prepare for the new school

Secondary school: Key stages 3 and 4 

Every child and young person has the right to access good quality teaching and learning at their secondary school. Pupils with a hearing impairment will face extra challenges. This is if we compare them to their hearing peers as they progress through secondary education.  Most pupils at year 7 and above are independent users of their hearing devices.

They are guided through the HSS Audiology Curriculum to:

  • understand and use strategies to support their listening and communication
  • maintain their equipment
  • understand their hearing loss and learning needs

HSS provides support to secondary pupils based on their learning needs.
This may include:

  • visits to check and maintain hearing aids and listening devices
  • exam access arrangements for assessments, GSCEs, BTECs and A Levels
  • Deaf Awareness training and support for teachers and support staff
  • Audiology Curriculum for developing independence and self-advocacy
  • post 16 transition support to college or sixth form

Find out more about secondary school transfer and how to prepare your child


Most hearing-impaired children attend their local school and do not have an EHCP.  Some children need extra support to access learning at mainstream school. They may have an EHCP.  Children with complex needs may attend a special school. This will have specialist facilities and staff who can meet the learning needs of the child. 

Your child may need extra support to access learning. Your Advisory Teacher and school setting will help with the assessment process. They will also provide on-going support through Annual Reviews of the EHCP.

Further details about EHCPs is available on our Local Offer pages and the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) SEND Local Offer.

Further education: post 16 and preparation for adulthood 

The HSS provides transition and ongoing support appropriate to the young person’s needs while promoting independence and self-advocacy.  Find out more about post 16 support. (LINK TO Post-16 and Preparation for Adulthood)